The number of apartment households moving into Daegu in 2023 It is expected to reach 36,000 households, the largest ever.
According to real estate information service company Real Estate R114 In 2023, the number of apartment occupants nationwide was tentatively counted as 305,949 households, and Daegu was found to have the highest number since 2000, when the survey began.
In particular, 8,900 households, 52% of occupied apartments, It is supplied for redevelopment and reconstruction maintenance projects. As a maintenance project in Daegu a year It is the first time that more than 10,000 households have been supplied.
Seodaegu Central Xi 1,526 households in Seogu, Seodaegu Bando Ubora Centum 1,678 households in Seogu, and Dalseong Park Prugio Hillstate 1,501 households in Jung-gu, etc., are scheduled to move in.
Real Estate R114 predicted that in areas with a large number of occupants, the jeonse price would drop significantly, increasing the reverse jeonse tax, and increasing the number of cases where the new apartment might not be paid due to non-return of the deposit.