More than 300 NÖAAB members in parliament

2024-03-10 12:14:04

Teschl-Hofmeister/Sobotka/Karner and many others: More than 300 NÖAAB members came to the members’ day

St. Pölten (OTS) – The Lower Austrian Employees’ Association (NÖAAB) invites its members to a members’ day twice a year. On Saturday, 300 members from all 20 districts of the country visited the parliament in Vienna. “Especially in times of acts of war in Europe and the world and the rise of extremist fringes, society must reflect even more on our basic democratic principles. Parliament in particular, as a place of discourse and legislation, plays an overriding role in maintaining democracy and peace,” says NÖAAB state chairwoman Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister.

The meeting offered members the opportunity to find out and exchange information regarding current topics. They were able to explore the magnificent halls and historical rooms where important political decisions are made. During the tour, members learned exciting details regarding the history of Parliament and the importance of its work for the country. “It was an inspiring day that gave everyone involved new energy and motivation to continue to support the concerns and interests of Lower Austrians,” reports NÖAAB regional manager Katja Seitner.

“It was a wonderful opportunity for the participants to experience the democratic processes up close. The NÖAAB Members’ Day in Parliament was an enriching and educational event that will be remembered positively by everyone involved,” concluded NÖAAB State Chairwoman Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister.

Questions & Contact:

Matthias Zagler
+43 664 839 74 42

#NÖAAB #members #parliament



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