More than 2,500 projects supported by Maroc PME in 2021

A total of 2,531 Very Small, Small and Medium Enterprises (TPME) projects benefited from the support of the National Agency for the Promotion of SMEs (Morocco PME) for the year 2021, indicates the Agency, in a press release published at the end of its Board of Directors chaired on Thursday by the Minister of Industry and Trade, Ryad Mezzour.

Dedicated to reviewing Maroc PME’s activity report for the year 2021 and its 2022 action plan, the Board of Directors noted “the multiplication of the number of SME projects having benefited from support from the Agency in terms of technical expertise and financial support for investment, which reached 2,531 projects in 2021 compared to 819 projects in 2020,” the statement said.

The number of jobs created by the investment projects approved in 2021, for its part, increased by 15% to 29,249 direct and indirect jobs in 2021 against 25,357 in 2020, specifies Maroc PME.

These achievements are the result of the new generation of programs launched by the Agency and the momentum triggered by the bank of projects launched by the Ministry of Industry for the development of industrial sovereignty, the statement concludes.

With MAP

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