More than 200 Lithuanian transport companies face bankruptcy due to embargo on Russian “enclave”_Kaliningrad Oblast_Russia_Cargo

Original title: more than 200 transport companies in Lithuania will face bankruptcy following embargo on Russian “enclave”

Overseas Network, July 14. The Russian Satellite News Agency quoted the official website of the Lithuanian National Road Transport Association (Linava) on the 14th as saying that due to Lithuania’s ban on the transportation of goods to the Russian “enclave” Kaliningrad Oblast via railways within Lithuania, by 2022 By the end of the year, more than 200 trucking companies in Lithuania will face bankruptcy.

According to the Lithuanian National Road Transport Association, as of April 1, 2022, there were 4,168 trucking companies in Lithuania. According to industry experts, 5% to 7% of companies will go bankrupt by the end of 2022, and the number will reach 208 to 292. Small and micro transport companies in Lithuania experienced the fastest insolvency, with 39 small and 25 micro transport companies forced to close between early March and mid-June 2022.

Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian “enclave” between Poland and Lithuania, gets goods and energy from the rest of Russia mainly via rail and gas pipelines. The only railway between the two goes through Lithuania. Lithuania closed the above-mentioned railway passages from June 18, prohibiting the transfer of goods such as iron ore, coal and construction materials from other parts of Russia to Kaliningrad Oblast.

The Russian Foreign Ministry strongly protested Lithuania’s embargo on the Russian enclave, saying it violated international legal obligations. The Russian newspaper Izvestia reported on July 13, citing a senior Russian official, that the EU has reached an agreement with Russia, agreeing to no longer obstruct the shipment of Russian goods to Kaliningrad Oblast via Lithuania on the grounds of violating sanctions. (Zhang Qi from Overseas Network)

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