More than 20 crew members missing in Chinese construction ship sinking | Science and Technology Environment | DW

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) According to a report from the Guangdong Maritime Search and Rescue Center in the early morning of July 3, the floating crane “Fujing 001”, a floating crane for the construction of the offshore wind farm project, was in distress in the waters near Yangjiang, Guangdong in the early morning of the 2nd. It has sunk and 27 people lost contact. Search and rescue operations are underway.

According to the report, at 3:50 a.m. on the 2nd, the Yangjiang Maritime Rescue Center was on duty in the Guangdong Maritime Supervisory Command System and found that the floating crane “Fujiing 001”, a floating crane for the construction of the offshore wind farm project, was avoiding the typhoon anchorage in the waters near Yangjiang, Guangdong. During the typhoon “Siamba”, the anchor chain was broken and the anchor was in danger. Relevant departments quickly launched an emergency response to maritime search and rescue and organized rescue operations.

Earlier, the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong had reported on the 2nd that a construction ship carrying 30 people was interrupted in two by tropical storm Siamba, and more than 20 crew members were missing. According to the Hong Kong Flying Service, three crew members have been rescued so far, and search and rescue operations for other crew members are continuing.

It is reported that the “Fujing 001” ship is the ship of Shanghai Huajing Zhiyun Marine Technology Co., Ltd. Before the incident, “Fujing 001” was under construction for the main offshore engineering of YUDEAN Yangjiang Qingzhou No. 1 and No. 2 offshore wind power projects.

Typhoon Siamba caused a construction ship to disconnect, and the Hong Kong Government Flying Service went to the rescue

On Saturday (July 2), Typhoon Siam swept across Hong Kong Island, bringing violent storms, restricting public transportation and forcing many shops to close.

At 1 p.m., the center of Typhoon Siamba was about 320 kilometers southwest of Hong Kong, and it is expected to move northwestward at a speed of about 16 kilometers per hour, moving towards the east and west coasts of Guangdong. The Hong Kong Meteorological Bureau said the storm warning would then be lowered to level 3.

Hong Kong authorities issued a typhoon warning on Thursday as Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Hong Kong to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the city’s handover.

As part of the festivities, the Hong Kong Palace Museum, which was due to officially open to the public on Saturday, remained closed.

Hong Kong Sturm Chaba

Typhoon Siamba escalates, Hong Kong issues gale signal No. 8

On the same day, as the first typhoon of the year, Siamba made landfall on the southern coast of China. Weather forecasts warned of record rainfall and high-level disaster risk in provinces including densely populated Guangdong.

Typhoon Siamba was moving northwestward at a speed of 15 to 20 kilometers per hour after making landfall in Maoming, Guangdong on Saturday afternoon, the National Meteorological Center said in a statement.

The center’s chief forecaster, Gao Shuanzhu, said that although Siamba’s intensity is moderate and is expected to weaken over time, as it pushes the region’s monsoon belt inland, it may bring heavy rains and A record for accumulated rainfall of up to 600mm could be broken.

Gao Shuanzhu said western Guangdong, eastern Guangxi and Hainan province were dangerous areas where heavy rains could lead to landslides, urban waterlogging and flooding.

Hainan raised its emergency alert to level two on Saturday, suspending rail services across the island and canceling more than 400 round-trip flights between Haikou and Sanya.

One person was injured by Typhoon Chaba in Macau, state television reported.

Weather forecasters said this week that extreme weather, including severe flooding, is expected to continue through August in China, partly due to climate change.


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