More than 1,400 vehicles are expected on the routes

The return home of the long weekend foresees a large number of vehicles on Neuquén routes, up to 1,300 per hour, so the province’s road safety department indicated that there will be police controls y mobile presence on the roads. In addition, they commented on controls of breathalyzer, mechanical assistance and traffic accidents.

“There is already a lot of presence of vehicles coming to Neuquén, especially on Route 40, where there are more than 500 vehicles now,” indicated the director of provincial road safety, Lucas Gómez. “In the Route 22 we are going to have an amount greater than 1400“, he assured.

As Gómez indicated, There are security mobiles traveling the routes doing prevention. In addition to the accompaniment, there will be breathalyzer controls in Las Lajas because the Grass Festival is taking place. “There will also be fixed operatives,” he mentioned.

The Director of Road Safety stated that tourists usually begin to leave the different towns at mid-morning. “They began to leave Villa Pehuenia, Aluminé, San Martín,” he explained. At noon they pass through Piedra del Aguila and Zapala, and in the afternoon they begin to enter Neuquén.

“There are many who stay up later and there is still sustained trafficthen the caravans and the batch vehicles are entering, “said Gómez.

In the zone of Chocón and Arroyito there will be a police prevention devicein addition to the presence of mobile phones, with the aim of slow down the speed. Gomez warned that the Service stations have long waiting lines, as do border crossings.

“We try to hold the operational until as late as possible, until the traffic slows down, but some mobiles stay until tomorrow», assured the director of road safety. “Generally we hold until 11 p.m.,” he said.

Breathalyzer controls and mechanical assistance on the routes

The Director of Road Safety stated that many checks have been carried out together with the Gendarmerie and the Neuquén police. “We did about 610 alcoholemias in Villa La Angostura, Zapala, Senillosa and Piedra del Aguila,” he said. “The results were very encouraging with just six positives“he mentioned.

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Gómez reported that they carried out various mechanical assists also. «That is why we recommend that they do the RTO, they were made about 20 assists“, he stated.

“We did operating on Route 23, Route 3, in Chos Malal, on 46, 40, 237 and 22“, said the director of Road Safety. “There is always more road load in the center and south than in the north, but there is still traffic,” he said.

«We have seen fewer accidents Luckily, we must bear in mind that we have not ended the same, “Gómez warned. For this reason, emphasis is always placed on drive at low speed and do not overtake. “Most of the accidents that occurred were associated with overtaking,” he argued.

From Road Safety, the director commented “we can say that people it is being handled prudently We have had to attend too, but it is as always, “he concluded.

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