More than 11 thousand year olds on leap day

29-2-2024 00:00

© ANP This year, more than 11 thousand people will celebrate their birthday on February 29. Leap Day also remains a popular day to tie the knot. This is reported by CBS. A birthday on leap day is special because it only happens once every four years. On February 29, 2024, 370 children born four years ago can celebrate their leap day birthday for the first time. In total, more than 11 thousand people in the Netherlands have a birthday on leap day. This year, 8 of them will turn 100 years old.

Slightly fewer births on leap day

In a leap year, slightly fewer children are born on the 29th than on a comparable weekday in February. For example, in 2020, 391 children were born on an average Saturday in February and 362 on Saturday, February 29. A similar difference is also visible in previous leap years.

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Getting married on leap day remains popular

There are generally few weddings in February, but a special day such as leap day is popular. On Saturday, February 29, 2020, 109 couples got married, compared to 53 on an average Saturday in February that year. More marriages also took place on previous leap days than on the same weekday in that month. Leap Day 2000 was relatively popular: almost three times as many couples got married on a Tuesday in February that year.

In 2020, Leap Day also had competition from other popular dates. For example, 81 couples tied the knot on February 2, 2020, which is relatively many for a Sunday because there are normally very few weddings then. On an average Sunday in February 2020, there were only 8 couples. Relatively many couples also got married on Thursday 20-02-2020, more than eight times more than on any other Thursday in February.

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