More than 1.3 million tourists mobilized in the long weekend: the most chosen destinations

2023-05-28 00:56:14

According to the first surveys of the Argentine Tourism Observatory (OAT), More than 1.3 million tourists traveled through the different destinations in the countrya record number for this long weekend, which combined May 25 and the long weekend on the 26th.

Among the main factors of this record, they clarified from the organization, are the fourth edition of the program Pre-Trip, with which visitors have options to finance their expenses, the impact of the Sub 20 World Cup and the arrival of foreign tourism from countries in the region, especially Chile, Uruguay and Brazil.

After the dissemination of the data, the Minister of Tourism of the Nation, Matías Lammensspoke regarding it and predicted a «strong recovery of incoming tourism“, which during May and June” will have a historic movement. In addition, he considered that the sector “continues to consolidate itself as a leader in the recovery of employment” together with the creation of companies.

For his part, the head of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism, Gustavo Hanialso made a balance of what was seen in the long weekend and valued the high level of activity in the main tourist centers of the country, with different particular incentives given the season of the year.

“We are an industry that is felt throughout the country. Argentina is tourism“, indicated the benchmark for the sector, in a press release.

Tourism for the long weekend: how it went for Río Negro and Neuquén

Regarding the occupancy levels registered in the different destinations of the country, in the majority, the average was above 90%with cities even no availability of placesas was the case of Tandil in the province of Buenos Aires, Calingasta in San Juan, and Fiambalá and Rodeo in Catamarca.

Río Negro and Neuquén, on the other hand, they did not clash and as in the rest of the country, they showed good levels of activity and consumption in their main tourist locations. In Barilochewith a large amount of snow on Cerro Catedral and surroundings, the occupancy level scored 90%just like Martin de los Andes. Further back was El Bolsón, with 70%.

The movement and occupancy data in the rest of the destinations in both provinces will probably be known in detail next Monday, when the local Tourism portfolios make your data knownin addition to those collected by the Argentine Tourism Observatory.

Tourism for the long weekend: the data at the national level

As recorded until this Saturday, the occupancy levels for the long weekend were as follows:

Jujuy (90% provincial average)
-Broken: 95%
-Valles: 90%
-Yunga: 80%
-Puna: 70%

Salta (95% provincial average)

-Tafí del Valle: 90%
-San Javier: 91%
-Amaicha del Valle: 99%
-Go Viejo: 99%

Santiago del Estero
-City of Santiago del Estero: 95%
-Río Hondo Hot Springs: 90%

La Rioja (90% provincial average)
-City of La Rioja: 85
-Chilecito: 90
-Villa Union: 95

Catamarca (70% provincial average)
-Fiambala: 100%
-The Rodeo: 100%
-Antofagasta de la Sierra: 90%
-Fray Mamerto Esquiú: 90%
-Poman: 90%
-Belén: 85%
-Tino spends 85%
-San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca: 70%

Misiones (90% provincial average)
-Puerto Iguazú: 95%
-Inns: 85%
-The Superb: 75%
-San Ignacio: 70%

Corrientes (70% provincial average)
-Carlos Pellegrini Colony (Iberá Wetlands): 86%
-Goya: 80
-Capital flows: 70%

– Impenetrable Region: 60%.
– Coastal Region: 50%.

Entre Ríos (75% provincial average)

Santa Fe
-Rosario: 85%
-Reconquest: 95%
-City of Santa Fe: 80%
-Melincué: 95%
-Villa Constitución: 95%

Buenos Aires:
-Tandil: 100%
-Mar del Plata: 75%
-Villa Gesell: 70%
-Pinamar 60%
-San Clemente: 80%
-Junin: 80%

City of Buenos Aires: 77%

-Villa Carlos Paz: 78%
-The Summit: 90%
-The Skirt: 80%
-Garden Villa: 75%
-Miramar: 75%
-Villa General Belgrano: 85%
-San Javier and Yacanto: 82%
-Sierras Chicas Río Ceballos: 80%

saint Louis
-Merlo: 95%
-Coast of the Comechingones: 80%
-Potrero de los Funes: 90%
-Saint Louis: 80%

Mendoza (85% provincial average)
-City of Mendoza: 95%
-San Raphael: 80%

San Juan (97% provincial average)
-Greater San Juan: 98%
-Calingasta: 100%
-Iglesia: 94%
-Jáchal : 91%
-Fertile Valley: 100%

-San Martin de los Andes: 90%

Black river
-Bariloche: 90%
-El Bolson: 70%

Santa Cruz
-El Calafate: 85%

Tierra del Fuego, AIAS
-Ushuaia: 70%

With information from Argentine News

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