According to the latest figures from Friday, there are currently 1,034 people with SARS-CoV-2 in the hospital. That’s 68 more than the day before. The number of patients in the intensive care unit also increased. 61 people currently need intensive care treatment. This number rose by six from Thursday to Friday and has risen by eleven patients within a week.
There was one death on Friday. There have been 21 deaths in the past seven days. Overall, the Covid 19 pandemic has claimed 20,712 lives in Austria since it broke out. The seven-day incidence across Austria is currently 526.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Broken down by federal state, Upper Austria currently has the highest seven-day incidence with 676.2, followed by Tyrol, Salzburg and Carinthia (573.9, 541.4 and 532.9 respectively). Then come Lower Austria (516.1), Styria (492), Vienna (451.8), Burgenland (448.5) and Vorarlberg (415.9).
More vaccinations were given on Friday. 10,331 stitches were administered yesterday, of which 8,791 were booster vaccinations (4th, 5th and each subsequent vaccination dose). 5,298,111 people and thus 58.7 percent of Austrians are validly vaccinated according to the recommendation of the National Vaccination Committee (NIG). A total of 650,881 people have received a booster vaccination so far. The protection rate is highest in Burgenland at 66.1 percent. In Lower Austria, 61.9 percent of the population have basic immunization, in Styria 60.4 percent. After Tyrol (57.3), Vienna (56.8), Carinthia (55.7), Vorarlberg (55.7) and Salzburg (55), Upper Austria brings up the rear with 54.4 percent.
Since the beginning of the pandemic there have already been 5,066,790 confirmed cases in Austria. 4,979,106 people have recovered since the outbreak of the epidemic