Dhe number 261 is one that is not particularly liked by airlines in Europe. Because behind what are known in industry jargon as 261 cases, it is not uncommon for airlines to have to pay passengers fixed compensation rates of 250 to 600 euros for long delays or short-term flight cancellations. The cases are named following EU Regulation 261 from 2004, which was intended to create a “uniform minimum level of protection” for travelers along with EU passenger rights.
After two decades of EU rules that have not led to an end to all passenger anger, Tomasz Pawliszyn, head of the legal service provider Airhelp, believes the time is ripe for an overhaul. And in his opinion this should lead to airlines having to pay more. “After 20 years, a reform of air passenger rights is necessary. The compensation rates have never been adjusted,” says Pawliszyn in an interview with the FAZ. “Just to react to the price development, a surcharge of 57 percent would now be necessary.”
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