More recalls – ICA withdraws goods after detection of salmonella

NEWS ICA is recalling several salad mixes after salmonella was found during a routine sampling.

It is Ica’s third recall in a short time. In the past, products have been recalled in two rounds due to the presence of listeria, and now goods are being recalled after salmonella has been found at the supplier.

This applies to Ica Red Chard 65g, Ica Crispy Salad Mix 65g and Ica Seasonal Mix 150g with a best-before date of 2024-08-17.

– We take the incident seriously and are now investigating together with the supplier how this could have happened and how we can ensure that it does not happen again, says Lisa Olsenquality manager at Ica Sweden, in a press release on Tuesday.

You who have already bought one of the products in question can get your money back by returning the item to the store. It must also be able to be advertised via Ica’s website.

Update, Wednesday 08.38:

On Tuesday evening, the recall was expanded to include more products. Salmonella should not have been detected in them, but the goods are being recalled as a safety measure.

This applies to Ica Seasonal Mix 65g with a best-before date of 2024-08-17 as well as Ica Crispy Salad Mix 65g and Ica Crispy Salad Mix 65g with a best-before date of 2024-08-16.



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