More like mumbo jumbo |

2023-09-15 22:02:00

Many psychic services are advertised, especially on the Internet. You should avoid some of these esoteric offers.

The supernatural is very popular at the moment. From love spells to alleged healing arts to fortune telling – a wide variety of services are offered. But if you’re not an expert, it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish reputable offers – those you can trust – from dubious ones. In some cases, the things advertised can even be risky – for example, when it comes to curing serious diseases such as cancer. Or regarding love things. Some actually believe that so-called witches can mend their broken relationships through magic. According to surveys, one in four Germans believes in miracle healers and one in three partially believes in horoscopes.

One thing that many experts are critical of is the laying on of hands. The Bible says that Jesus healed people through the laying on of hands. Today, the laying on of hands is still a path that some people choose when they see no other option. Maybe you’ve been to a number of doctors and tried different medications and still haven’t been able to find a cure. Such people can be desperate. This makes them an easy target for people who offer questionable methods. They often sound more like mumbo jumbo. Overall, it is difficult to say exactly which esoteric is safe or helpful and which is not. There is no exact explanation of what esotericism is; a lot of things are blurred. The origin of the word esotericism is definitely “hidden knowledge”. In other words, knowledge that is only accessible to certain experts. This knowledge has spread greatly and of course also changed thanks to the Internet. It becomes dangerous when people are manipulated, financially exploited or their development is hindered. Common sense is a big help. Be critical and question the offers to see whether they can work, and above all: talk and discuss them with family or friends.

#mumbo #jumbo



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