More lakes for everyone: Federal Forest is expanding free access to Atter Lake

More lakes for everyone: Federal Forest is expanding free access to Atter Lake

2024-08-22 06:20:18

Vienna/Scheffering(OTS) –

Following yesterday’s decision by the supervisory board of ÖBB-Infrastructure AG, the Austrian Federal Forestry (ÖBf) has the opportunity to purchase approximately 7,300 square meters of lakeside area in the former railway station area of ​​the market town of Schörfling. In addition, the federal forest can lease approximately 6,700 square meters of adjacent area from ÖBB. The aim is to create an attractive recreational area of ​​approximately 14,000 square meters, permanently open to all free of charge and with access to the lake. Obligations for federal forests will be written into contracts and their owners will be represented by the Department of Agriculture.

Torchinig: more bathing places for all citizens
“Our lakes are more than just valuable habitat and places to relax, they are places of encounter and joy, and everyone should have access to nature. There is nothing more refreshing in the summer than jumping into a cool lake to escape the heat. My Goal is to provide our families with more bathing areas in the future. Now we are laying the foundation for another large public lake access on Lake Atter. I am confident that these additional bathing and recreational areas will not only enhance the appeal of Lake Atter. It will also bring positive impetus to the entire region. so Agriculture Minister Norbert Torchnigg.

Gewessler: free entry to Attersee
“Our lakes are natural treasures and places of recreation for all Austrians. This makes it even more important that people can access them freely. We are contributing to this together. The ÖBB infrastructure site at Attersee will be built by the Federal Forest Take over. A free bathing area will then be established there for the people of our country and secured permanently by the contract so that everyone can benefit from our wonderful waters. I would like to thank everyone who has helped make this possible.,explain Climate Protection Minister Leonor Gwesler.

New games, sports and swimming recreation areas are being planned
On an area of ​​approximately 14,000 square meters, which is also easily accessible by public train, attractive entertainment and leisure facilities will be designed in close cooperation with the market town of Schörfling. For example, there are plans to build a beach volleyball court, a children’s playground, modern sanitary facilities and, if possible, an information kiosk. From today’s perspective, the gravel area will be converted into green space and create a lake entrance for refreshments at Lake Atter. Targeted removal of hard bank structures is also planned to support gently sloping shallow water areas. Prerequisites for implementation include the relevant official approvals and the necessary rezoning of the station area by the municipality. During implementation, the interests of existing local tenants are taken into consideration wherever possible.

Sustainable Lake Management
The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Climate Protection together with the Federal Forest Service has set out strategic objectives to make existing recreational opportunities more attractive and to further expand them. They made a clear commitment to create in the future, where possible and convenient, more suitable areas for the public seeking relaxation, as well as more ecological areas left to nature.

The Federal Forest is the largest lake manager in the country, managing a total of 74 larger lakes (more than one hectare in size), including Attersee, Traunsee, Millstätter Popular bathing lakes such as See and Wörthersee. They usually only own the lake bed; only a few of the larger lakeside properties belong to the ÖBf. The federal forest already provides the majority of its resources to the community in the form of more than 50 natural swimming areas and other public recreation areas. In Upper Austria alone, the federal forest manages 14 lakes and currently offers more than 35 free natural swimming areas as well as other areas on the lakes in parks, promenades or beaches.

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