More in love than ever, Stéphane Bern publishes a tender video with his companion for the holidays

People and royalty

There is bound to be love in the air at Christmas, including on the side of the people. As proof, Stéphane Bern has just appeared in a tender holiday video alongside his companion.

Every Christmas, it’s a bit of a tradition. Beyond political, royal or religious personalities, the stars also share their videos or greeting photos for New Year’s Eve and the New Year. Celine Dion thus sent a reassuring message for the holidays to her fans when she has just announced that she suffered from a rare neurological disorder. For his part, Stéphane Bern has also lent himself to the game of wishes online on Instagram.

The presenter thus appeared in a short sequence alongside his companion Yori Bailleres. The star of Secrets of history thus wished “full success” for the year 2023 to come to all his compatriots. The couple had put on their 31 for the occasion, posing in front of their Christmas tree. The two lovers have shared their lives for a little over a year now. And nothing seems to stop them for now, not even their age. Stéphane Bern is 69 years old, 19 years older than the businessman and former DJ who has just celebrated his 40th birthday.

In the video in question, the heritage lover says: “We wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and in advance a Happy New Year 2023”. He then goes to his spouse to ask him what they can ” wish those who [les] look? “. “As usual health, love, peace, success… Above all peace! Peace within yourself, peace with others, us, that’s what we’re trying to achieve. […] And then serenity, Yori replies. Merry Christmas !

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