More important than his cars.. Watch Mask show off his famous robot

“It will be more valuable than her cars” with that phrase cradle Elon Musk The CEO of Tesla, the way to display his famous humanoid robot “Optimus” during the “Artificial Intelligence Day” event organized by the electric car manufacturer, Friday.

The billionaire has asserted that activism in robotics will be more valuable than its cars, hoping to expand beyond self-driving cars that have not yet become a reality despite his repeated promises.

spectator board

This came as the robot walked on stage and waved to the spectators.

A video clip of the robot was also shown carrying a crate, watering plants and moving rods at the car manufacturer’s factory, according to

“Humanlike useful as quickly as possible”

in clearer mask During the event, which was held at Tesla’s office in Palo Alto, California, USA, “the goal is to make a useful, human-like robot as quickly as possible,” saying, “There is still a lot of work to be done to improve and prove Optimus.”

He also added that human-like robots currently “lose a brain”, explaining that they do not have the intelligence to roam the world alone, and that they are expensive and are manufactured in low quantities.

“very clever”

By contrast, he noted, Optimus would be a “very ingenious robot”, and would be manufactured in very large quantities, perhaps millions of units in the end, and expected to cost much less than a car or less than $20,000.

He concluded that in the future, robots might be used in homes, prepare dinners, mow the lawn, care for the elderly, and even become a “companion” to humans.



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