More hostilities between criminals – Diario de Yucatán

More hostilities between criminals – Diario de Yucatán

CRISTÓBAL DE LAS CASAS (El Universal).— Hostilities between two criminal organizations fighting for control of the territory of Chiapas resumed yesterday morning in several communities in the Sierra Madre, where since May there have been roadblocks, murders, forced recruitment and the displacement of residents of several towns.

Yesterday morning, roadblocks were reestablished at various points in the Border and Sierra regions, on highways that connect with the Jungle, Center, Coast and Guatemala, due to “support bases” of criminal organizations, mainly on the Pan-American Highway, Federal Highway 201 and other state highways.

The number of people killed as a result of the clashes in the Sierra communities is still unknown. Farmers are forced by criminals to participate in roadblocks to prevent the passage of the National Guard and the Army, as well as opposing groups.

Last week, criminal groups pressured residents of the municipalities of Jaltenango and Monte Cristo de Guerrero to block roads at various points to prevent soldiers from entering the mountains.

In addition, residents reported that they were forced to be recruited by criminal groups, which caused them to leave the communities of Monte Cristo de Guerrero and Jaltenango.

In Frontera Comalapa, criminals asked residents in audio messages sent via WhatsApp to gather at the main entrances to the municipal capital to carry out blockades.

Since Saturday, the 20th, criminal groups, including support bases and hitmen aboard all-terrain vehicles and trucks with homemade armor, have been mobilizing in communities in the Border and Sierra regions to confront their adversaries.

#hostilities #criminals #Diario #Yucatán
2024-08-04 04:37:44



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