more courage than on the left –

On the one hand, a contribution from the banks in the order of 3-4 billion, 5% cuts to the budgets of the ministries, excluding healthcare, an intervention on deductions, with a ceiling on the amount and a remodulation based on the family unit. On the other hand, a new adjustment to minimum pensions, the confirmation of the cut in the tax wedge for incomes up to 35 thousand euros, the merging of Irpef rates, resources for public administration contracts and the return to a 50% house bonus but only on the first home. The maneuver for 2025 of around 25 billion revolves around these cornerstones, of which between 9 and 10 in deficit, on the table of the Council of Ministers together with the budget plan to be sent to Brussels by midnight, and the tax decree which as last year, it anticipates part of the coverage. A text filed down to the last minute, so much so that the Council of Ministers, initially scheduled for 20, was postponed by half an hour.

Maneuver, no new taxes. Giorgetti to ministers: Cuts or I'll be bad

Until the end, we worked tirelessly to find new resources and reduce expenditure items, in order to find coverage for the measures desired by the government, moving within the margins imposed by the new European rules as agreed in the Structural Budget Plan. The intervention on the banks, which has been constantly worked on in recent weeks with the ABI, should be based on the advance of the Dta, the active deferred taxes. Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani labels it “a common sense operation”, “the result of an agreement” which is good for our economy, brings money into the budget but does not frighten the markets and does not create problems, especially for small banks, cooperative credit and cooperative banks”. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni puts her face to it, who addressed the opposition in the Chamber, pressing on extra profits: “She could discover that this government had more courage than the left had when was in government”. But if it is true that the government found mediation on the contribution requested from credit institutions, everyone reads it in their own way.

Giorgetti warns ministers:

Matteo Salvini names the victory to the League, underlining that “given the 40 billion earnings in 2023 alone, I expect important contributions to support the country and, above all, the national health system”, for the other deputy prime minister Antonio Tajani the mantra is there is no they will be new taxes, not even for the banks: “The banks’ contribution is the result of an agreement as we have always wanted, not of an imposition from above. The line of common sense that does not frighten the markets and defends freedom wins”. The M5s leader Giuseppe Conte is dissatisfied: “We have been waiting for two years for a real tax on extra profits, not crumbs or simple advances and not only for banks, but also for the arms industry, for insurance companies and for pharmaceutical companies”. “This is a government that cuts healthcare, social services, doesn’t have an industrial plan, denies the minimum wage and denies rights – attacks the dem secretary Elly Schlein -. You are taking the country backwards but we will stop you”.

Maneuver, contributions paid by banks: the news before the Council of Ministers

The maneuver is expected in parliament by Monday, and the process will begin in the Chamber. The communication changes but not the substance. There will not be the preclusion of last year to the majority’s amendments, confirms the president of the Finance Commission Marco Osnato (FdI), “but I agree with those who say that in the majority there is little point in making them! I therefore expect many amendments in general and only a few amendments by the majority – perhaps agreed with the government – with the aim of perfecting some measures”. “A little treasure for the opposition? If they make plausible and sustainable proposals, regardless of the little treasure they can be accepted”, he concludes.

#courage #left #Tempo



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