Aurélien Fleurot, edited by Gauthier Delomez
06:47, August 19, 2022modified to
08:01, August 19, 2022
Banking incidents were up sharply last July, mainly due to inflation. Bank card withdrawals and registrations in the national payment incident file increased by nearly 30% compared to July 2021. New proof that the health of households is weakening.
Difficulties repaying credit, accounts in the red: due toinflation, banking incidents were up sharply last July. According to figures published by the Banque de France, withdrawals of Bank card and registrations in the national payment incident file increased by nearly 30% compared to July 2021. If the phenomenon is not yet massive, the trend has been clearly upwards for several months, and July will have been particularly painful for several tens of thousands of French households.
9,000 bank cards withdrawn from their holders
In total, 58,135 people were thus added to the national file of payment incidents and 9,000 bank cards were withdrawn from their holders “following misuse”. The first cause of all this is inflation. When all the bills increase and you have to continue to repay your credits, it gets complicated. Especially since, as explained by Jérôme Cusanno, president of the French Association of Bancassurance Intermediaries, the French have been able to benefit for several years from very favorable borrowing rates.
“People have gotten into a lot of debt because with consumer loans below 3 or 2.5%, they have multiplied loans and have monthly payments to pay”, he recalls at the microphone of Europe 1.
The possibility of seizing the Banque de France
Purchasing power is falling and bank rejections are beginning to multiply. To get out of it, the households concerned can seize the Bank of France. If your file is accepted, you will be able to benefit from a 24-month reprieve, i.e. a break in your current credits, at no additional cost. You can also contact a broker to collect your various credits and lower the monthly payments.
The phenomenon is likely to grow by the end of the year, to such an extent that all French banks have provisioned hundreds of millions of euros to anticipate possible payment defaults.