Moquegua: 2023 school year begins at IE Fernando Belaunde in San Antonio

At the IE Fernando Belaunde Terry facilities in the San Antonio district, the Moquegua Regional Government began the 2023 school year.

With the motto “Together, we will be the first again”, the general manager of GORE Moquegua, Econ, headed the event. Hugo Espinoza Palza, who was accompanied by representatives of the Regional Directorate of Education, the Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) Mariscal Nieto and the educational community.

Prof. Wilfredo Castillo, director of the campus, welcomed the students who are joining the primary and secondary level.

“I address with great respect the teachers who have been able to demonstrate their true dedication to service. Maestro continue to offer the best of you to the children and young people so that at the end of the year we can all say homework accomplished. You parents are our great allies and you have to assume with great responsibility the accompaniment of your minor children for a quality education ”, he said.

In turn, the Econ. Hugo Espinoza, brought the governor’s greetings to the teachers, parents and students, indicating that the GORE Moquegua has clear goals to improve educational teaching and that they will develop it throughout the region in order to resume leadership in education.

Subsequently, symbolic delivery of laptops was made to the students of the educational institution. GORE Moquegua has programmed the acquisition of 10,700 laptops to deliver them to the entire region at the primary and secondary level.

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