MOPC awards maintenance works for some 325 km of roads

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) awarded more than G. 148 billion for the maintenance and rehabilitation works of 325.2 km of roads, both in the Eastern and Western regions of the country.

The Central Vial Consortium will be in charge of Lot 1, which includes the rehabilitation and maintenance of the PY19 route between Villeta and Alberdi, for an amount of G. 101,998,023,817.

For its part, the Northern Road Consortium will manage Lot 2, focusing on the maintenance of the PY13 route from Curuguaty to Villa Ygatimí and Ypejhú, with an investment of G. 23,746,015,0

Lot 3, which covers the maintenance of sections between Mariscal Estigarribia and La Patria (PY09), and between La Patria and Infante Rivarola (D092), is the responsibility of the Mariscal Estigarribia Consortium, with a budget of G. 22,458,640,742. The three lots total G. 148,202,679,622.

The stipulated term for the contract is 18 months, divided into 12 months for the rehabilitation phase and 6 months for the maintenance phase.

The MOPC clarified that the construction contract is based on fixed unit prices, where the Ministry as contractor, offers prices applied to an estimated list of quantities of works determined by the contracting administration.

The total value of the contract will be determined by the sum of these unit prices multiplied by the quantities actually performed.

The objective is to ensure safer and more passable routes that boost the country’s development and connectivity, thus contributing to Paraguay’s economic and social progress, the Ministry of Public Works reported.

#MOPC #awards #maintenance #works #roads
2024-08-29 05:34:56



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