Montavon Garage in Develier: Upgrading for Electric Vehicle Repairs & Services

2023-08-19 05:00:00

The Montavon garage in Develier is regarding to undergo a major extension to bring itself up to date. The building where the bodywork is located will be extended on the side of the football fields in order to fit out, among other things, a mechanical workshop for electric vehicles.
As a corollary to the increase in the sale of these machines, the company is taking on more and more of them. “We always have one in the workshop. We repair regarding thirty a month,” says co-director Nicolas Chappuis.
However, these cars do not retype like thermal engine vehicles. For security reasons, their restoration requires special measures that require space.
“We must establish a security perimeter of 8 m by 6 around the…

#Montavon #garage #Develier #expanding #support #electric #cars

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