Montana teens file model climate lawsuit

Young brothers Badge and Lander Busse, who grew up in the small town of Kalispell at the foot of Glacier National Park, Montana, were tired of watching their natural environment succumb to the effects of climate change. Three years ago, “so they decided to take action”, report it New York Times. Along with fourteen other teenagers from Montana, and with the support of an environmental legal association called Our Children Trust, they decided to sue the State of Montana.

“A clean and healthy environment”

In their complaint, filed in 2020, they seized on the text of the Constitution of Montana “which guarantees its residents ‘the right to a clean and healthy environment’ and which stipulates that the State and individuals are responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the environment ‘for present and future generations’”, explains the New York daily.

Thus, for these young people, the support of their State – through subsidies and advantageous regulations – for fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas is “unconstitutional, because the resulting pollution is causing global warming and has robbed them of their right to an environment



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