Mont-de-Marsan Hospital Center and Marsan Health Cooperation Group: Future Plans and Developments

2023-12-20 20:01:00


The Intercommunal Hospital Center of Mont-de-Marsan (CHI), through its Supervisory Board, its Management and its hospital community, wishes to clarify its ambitions and inform users of the territory concerning the situation of the former Landes clinic, which integrated by acquisition, the Marsan Health Cooperation Group (GCS) in 2020.

Despite significant support and financial assistance over the last 3 years, provided by the ARS Nouvelle Aquitaine as well as the CHI, the Marsan Health Cooperation Group remains in an unsustainable financial situation which no longer allows for continued activity. as is.

During a meeting attended by Mr. Dayot (President of the Supervisory Board), Mrs. Darrieussecq (MP, 1st Landes constituency), Mr. Chauvin (Representative of the Supervisory Board – French Hospital Federation) and Mr. Bonnet (Mayor of Saint Pierre du Mont), it was recalled that:

On the Layné website:

From the summer of 2024, a new, modern and efficient operating theater will open its doors on the Layné site. This new technical surgery platform will provide both major surgery and ambulatory surgery, whether for the Hospital or for the Health Cooperation Group.

– On the Saint Pierre du Mont site (formerly Clinique des Landes):

Outpatient interventional activities (day hospitalization) are planned, particularly in the fields of ophthalmology, ENT, stomatology, gastroenterology, etc.

Patients will thus have access to a diversified and grouped range of care, particularly within two specialized centers.

The two structures (CHI and GCS), present on the two sites (Layné and Saint Pierre du Mont), will rely on high skills and cutting-edge equipment to guarantee quality and safety care which will participate to improve the attractiveness and loyalty of professionals.

Supported by the territory’s elected officials who are particularly attentive to the provision of care, these issues are supported by the representatives of users who also wish to see a public and private offer of proximity, recourse and reference in our territory for the benefit of the entire population and in partnership with city health professionals.

The staff representatives of the CHI and the GCS share this desire for an ambitious and structuring project thus making it possible to protect employment (in particular for GCS employees) and to attract new professionals.

This reorganization aims to preserve and develop the territory’s medical offering, by supporting liberal and public activity, taking into account the patient’s free choice.

#CHI #Mont #Marsan #Preserving #public #private #medical #services



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