Monsoon Season: Impact, Patterns, and Precautions for California and Mexico

2023-07-05 17:04:23

The monsoon is a seasonal shift of warm, humid winds towards the continent and the ocean; the majority comes from the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, in an easterly direction; and the Pacific and the Gulf of Californiaby the West.

All the winds converge in the intertropical zone in northwestern Mexico.

According to the SMN (National Meteorological Service) of the Aztec country, the monsoon also causes severe changes in the conditions that would be considered normal, both in terms of rainfall and temperature. While the drought mitigates in the northwest, the northeast of the country absorbs moisture from the Gulf of Mexico to cause this phenomenon.

According to meteorological experts, monsoon rains are usually vast or torrential but of very short duration; These are totally different from those generated by hurricanes, which due to the phenomenon itself, can last for hours and even days.

The Cenapred (National Center for Disaster Prevention) revealed that, in the world, there are at least four regions where monsoon conditions are generated. One of them is located in the southwestern United States, specifically, the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Oklahoma and Texas.

In the case of Mexico, the states that will be affected by the passage of the monsoon in the coming days will be Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Sonora, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas. This event occurs every year at the end of the months of June and until September.

The SMN said that, given the convergence of different weather phenomena, the monsoon might become a seven-day tropical cyclone due to both tropical wave 9 and 10 and a low pressure system.

The Mexican authorities revealed that, this July 5, heavy rains might cause an increase in the levels of rivers, streams; as well as landslides and floods in the lower areas of the aforementioned entities. Given the possible adverse conditions for citizens, it is suggested to take extreme precautions in their homes.

#monsoon #affect #states #Mexico



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