Monsignor Nshole Calls for Legal Action to Reclaim Catholic School Seized During Félix Tshisekedi’s Administration in Kinshasa

Monsignor Donatien Nshole made a field visit to get a first-hand look at the situation of a Catholic Christian Brothers school in Kinshasa, which continues to be in the sights of its despoilers, despite court decisions and rulings.

The Catholic prelate immediately denounced what he called barbarity erected as a management method. Faced with this situation, Monsignor Donatien Nshole reaffirmed his full support for the Minister of Justice, Constant Mutamba, for the dynamic he is putting in place in the country’s judicial policy.

“I deplore all those who want to discourage him and discourage his work. To the extent that this minister will continue to work in accordance with procedures, to uphold the law, I believe that is what is needed for this country,” he said.

And he continued: “We are in the capital. And the worst thing is that we went to court. The High Court decided to suspend the work before ruling on the law. We went to the Court of Appeal, the Court of Appeal confirmed the decision. But someone or a clique of people believe themselves to be above the law and obtain, I don’t know how, agents of official order to intimidate.”

Visibly shocked by his observations and certain behaviors on the ground, Monsignor Donation Nshole denounced all those who work against the rule of law so advocated by the President of the Republic. “Power is not eternal,” he said.

He further noted that even though the school belongs to the state, since the land and subsoil belong to the state, there are procedures to follow.

Note that the Deputy Minister of National Education was also present at the venue.


2024-09-13 16:09:24
#Kinshasa #Monsignor #Nshole #denounces #dispossession #Catholic #school #calls #application #rule #law #Félix #Tshisekedi

– ‌What actions is Monsignor ‍Donatien Nshole taking to address the threats against the Catholic Christian Brothers school in Kinshasa?

Here is ⁣a comprehensive ‌and SEO-optimized article on the ⁤topic:

“Monsignor Donatien Nshole Condemns Barbarity: Catholic Christian Brothers School in Kinshasa ⁤Under Threat”

The Catholic Christian Brothers school in Kinshasa, Democratic⁤ Republic of Congo,‌ is‌ facing unprecedented challenges, despite court decisions ⁤and rulings in its favor. ‍Recently, Monsignor Donatien Nshole, a prominent Catholic prelate, made a field visit to the school to get a firsthand look at the situation. What he witnessed ⁤was nothing short‍ of barbarity, with the school continuing to be targeted by its despoilers.

Denouncing Barbarity as a Management Method

Monsignor Nshole was shocked and dismayed by what he saw, terming it‌ “barbarity erected as a management method.” ‍This strong condemnation is a testament to the gravity of the situation, where‍ the rule of law is being flouted with impunity. The prelate’s visit was a show of solidarity with the school’s administration and a reaffirmation of his support for the Minister ⁤of Justice, Constant Mutamba, who is working to uphold the law and bring ‌justice to the people of ⁢the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Supporting the Minister of Justice

Monsignor Nshole praised Minister Mutamba’s efforts to reform the country’s judicial policy, saying, “I deplore all those who want to discourage him​ and ⁢discourage his work. To the extent that this minister will continue to work in accordance with procedures, to ⁢uphold the law, I believe that is what is needed for this country.” This ​endorsement is​ significant, as it acknowledges the minister’s commitment to fighting impunity and promoting the‍ rule of law.

The School’s Struggle for ⁤Justice

The Catholic​ Christian Brothers school has ⁣been embroiled in a long and arduous legal battle, with court ​decisions and rulings seemingly ignored ⁤by those seeking to subvert the law. Despite the​ High Court’s ⁣decision to suspend work on the disputed project and the⁤ Court of Appeal’s confirmation ⁢of the ruling,‍ a clique of individuals continues to intimidate and disregard the law. Monsignor ​Nshole lamented, “We are ‍in the capital. And the worst thing is that we went to court. The High ‍Court decided to suspend the ​work before ruling on the law. We went to the Court​ of‍ Appeal, the Court of Appeal confirmed⁤ the decision. But someone or⁣ a clique ⁢of people believe themselves to be above the law and obtain, I don’t know how, agents of official order to intimidate.”

Upholding the Rule of ⁣Law

Monsignor Nshole’s visit⁢ and statements ‌serve as a reminder of the importance of upholding the rule of law and respecting the judiciary’s decisions. The President of the Republic has‌ repeatedly emphasized the need for the rule of law to prevail, and the Catholic prelate’s words echo this sentiment. In the face of rampant impunity, it is essential ‌for leaders and ‍citizens alike to stand firm in their commitment to justice and the‍ law.


The situation at the Catholic Christian Brothers school in Kinshasa is a microcosm of the ⁢broader challenges facing the Democratic Republic of Congo. ⁤Monsignor ​Donatien ‌Nshole’s field visit and condemnation ‍of barbarity as a management method serve as a⁢ wake-up call to all stakeholders to prioritize the ‍rule of law and respect for the judiciary’s decisions. As the country continues to‍ navigate the complexities of building a just and ‌equitable society, the⁢ Catholic prelate’s words of wisdom and support for the Minister of Justice‌ offer a beacon of hope for a brighter future.

Keywords: ⁣ Monsignor Donatien Nshole, Catholic Christian Brothers school, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, rule of law, Minister of Justice, Constant Mutamba, impunity, ‌judiciary, President of the Republic.

What actions has Monsignor Donatien Nshole taken to support the Catholic Christian Brothers school in Kinshasa?

Monsignor Donatien Nshole Condemns Barbarity: Catholic Christian Brothers School in Kinshasa Under Threat

The Catholic Christian Brothers school in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, is facing unprecedented challenges, despite court decisions and rulings in its favor. Recently, Monsignor Donatien Nshole, a prominent Catholic prelate, made a field visit to the school to get a firsthand look at the situation. What he witnessed was nothing short of barbarity, with the school continuing to be targeted by its despoilers.

Denouncing Barbarity as a Management Method

Monsignor Nshole was shocked and dismayed by what he saw, terming it “barbarity erected as a management method.” This strong condemnation is a testament to the gravity of the situation, where the rule of law is being flouted with impunity. The prelate’s visit was a show of solidarity with the school



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