Monkeypox, why the WHO renamed it mpox: what it is, symptoms

The World Health Organization (OMS) now uses and recommends the term mpox to refer to what was previously known as monkeypox (monkeypoxin English), a disease that gained global notoriety in 2022 due to an outbreak that affected several countries.

This name change is not only a response to scientific issues, but also to ethical and social considerations.

What is monkeypox, simian smallpox or mpox?

Monkeypox is an infectious disease or zoonosis viral caused by the virus of the same name that belongs to the genus Orthopoxvirusthis includes the variola virus (causing smallpox).

And it is characterized by rash or skin lesions which are usually concentrated on the face, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Caused by a virus of the same name, it can cause a painful rash, swollen lymph nodes and fever.

Most people recover completely, but some become seriously ill.

Why did the WHO rename monkeypox mpox?

The name “mpox” is an abbreviation of monkeypoxthe English term for the disease. It was proposed by the OMS as part of an effort to rename the disease in a more neutral and less stigmatizing.

The proposal for this new name was made official in 2022, with the aim of facilitating the transition towards a term that would not evoke negative connotations.

And the name monkeypox has been criticized for several reasons: firstly, although the disease It was first identified in monkeys of laboratory in 1958, They are not the main reservoir of the virus in nature.

In fact, it is believed that the virus It is transmitted mainly through rodents and other small mammals, making the name scientifically inaccurate.

In addition, the term monkeypox has generated problems of stigmatization and racism.

And in 2022, some groups denounced that the use of This name could wrongly associate the disease with Africaperpetuating racist and xenophobic stereotypes.

The name change to mpox seeks not only greater scientific precision, but also a inclusive and respectful language.

However, the transition has not been immediate, and monkeypox remains a widely used term in the media and in public conversation, because even on Google it is the term that has the most volume of searches.

Call her mpox It represents an effort to update the medical and social language surrounding a disease that, although rare, has had a significant impact on global health, so much so that it was declared a new disease. global emergency.

Mpox to combat racism and discrimination

In 2022, the WHO noted that the term “monkeypox” generated a Increase in the use of racist language and discriminatory comments“particularly on online platforms and in other communities.”

The agency said at the time that it “began receiving reports of this problem from the beginning of the outbreak, and several individuals and countries expressed concern and They asked the WHO to propose a name change”.

When assigning the new name mpoxhe noted, “WHO seeks to avoid causing any cultural, social or ethnic offense through its name, aligning with best practices established for disease naming in 2015. Both names will be used simultaneously for one year, while ‘monkeypox’ (monkeypox) is gradually eliminated“.

What are the symptoms of monkeypox?

The Mayo Clinic explains that monkeypox symptoms can begin 3 to 17 days from exposure which is the incubation period, last 2 to 4 weeks, and can include the following:

  • Fever
  • Rash on the skin, it usually appears first on the face, hands or feet and then spreads to other parts of the body; in the 2022 outbreak cases, the rash began in the genital area, mouth, or throat.
  • Swollen lymph nodes lymphatics
  • Headache
  • Muscle and back pain
  • Shivers
  • Fatigue
  • Approximately 1 to 4 days after the fever begins, a skin rash develops and has several stages: Flat spots turn into blisters, then blisters blisters are filled with pusform a crust and fall off within a period of 2 to 4 weeks.

How is monkeypox spread?

Anyone can contract monkeypox and the form of contagion is direct through blood, fluids, that is, through contact with:

  • Infected people, by touching them, kissing them or having sexual relations.
  • Infected animals, when hunted, skinned or cooked.
  • Contaminated materials, such as clothing, bedding, or needles.
  • Pregnant women can transmit the virus to the fetus.

What should I do if I have monkeypox?

If you suspect or confirm that you have monkeypox:

  • Tell people you’ve been in close contact with recently.
  • Stay home until all the scabs fall off and the skin is renewed.
  • Cover any injuries and wear a well-fitting mask when around others.
  • Avoid physical contact.

How long does monkeypox last?

The OMS indicates that symptoms usually last between 2 and 4 weeks and usually go away on their own or with supportive care, such as pain or fever medications (i.e., pain relievers and fever reducers).

READ: How to prevent monkeypox? These are the cases in Mexico

#Monkeypox #renamed #mpox #symptoms
2024-08-24 13:51:12



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