Monkeypox: Eighth confirmed case of monkeypox in Panama – Nationals

Panama/The Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) confirmed this Thursday a new case of monkeypox or monkeypox, which to date gives a total of eight positive patients throughout the national territory.

This eighth case is regarding a 25-year-old male patient, who began symptoms on August 15, with vesicular-type skin lesions. On August 19, he started with fever, chills, muscle aches, fatigue, and malaise.

Later he went in search of medical attention where he was evaluated, samples were taken and sent to the Gorgas Commemorative Institute for Health Studies, giving a positive result for Monkey Pox.

The patient is in isolation at the Santo Tomás Hospital, because they did not have the conditions required for home isolation.

As highlighted in the Epidemiology report, all relevant epidemiological surveillance, the traceability team, the rapid response team, were activated immediately, before and following the onset of symptoms.

He explained that the transmission of monkeypox is spread from person to person, it can be caused by skin lesions, from one infected person to another, respiratory and body fluids; and also through infected clothing or any surface that has had contact with the lesions.

Since last May 24, Panama declared a health alert throughout the country and epidemiological surveillance was redoubled in all health regions and all entry points into the national territory.



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