05.10.2022 – Joint Community Commission press release
Vaccination once morest monkeypox in pre-exposure possible from 06.10.2022 in Pacheco
Since September 23, 2022, the RMG (Risk Management Group) has extended the eligibility criteria for vaccination once morest monkeypox in pre-exposure, that is to say as a preventive measure. From now on, men who have sex with several men will also be able to be vaccinated once morest monkeypox as a preventive measure. For preventive vaccination once morest monkeypox, a center is being added in Brussels from October 6 to the list of four existing centres: Pacheco.
As a reminder, given the limited availability of vaccines for the moment, these are reserved, in addition to people in post-exposure, to the following groups in pre-exposure:
People who are severely immunocompromised due to disease (cancer being treated or HIV/AIDS with low CD4 values) and/or treatments (chemotherapy, transplantation), who have a high risk of becoming infected with smallpox monkey;
Male and transgender sex workers;
Laboratory personnel handling monkeypox cultures;
Women who take PrEP and have frequent sexual contact;
And since September 23, men having sex with multiple men.
According to current guidelines, people who meet the above criteria can benefit – within the limits of available stocks – from a 1st dose of vaccine. If the first dose was administered at Pacheco, a second appointment will be scheduled 28 days later at Pacheco as well.
Practical modalities of vaccination at Pacheco
In Brussels, people who meet the criteria and wish to be vaccinated as a preventive measure once morest monkeypox can now do so at the Pacheco centre, in addition to the 4 hospitals which already offer this vaccination (CHU Saint-Pierre, Cliniques Saint-Luc University Hospital, Erasmus University Hospital, UZ Brussel).
This preventive vaccination once morest monkeypox in Pacheco is only done by appointment, via the call-center at number 02/214.19.29.
For the moment, the beaches dedicated to this vaccination in Pacheco are Thursday and Friday from 9:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The address of the center is: Center Pacheco, Boulevard Pacheco, 42 – 1000 Brussels.