Monkey pox: the epidemic spreads in the region

The epidemic of monkeypox or Monkeypox (MKP) seems to be gaining ground. L’World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Thursday that the bar of 10,000 cases was exceeded in around sixty countries. At the regional level, Public Health France had 87 confirmed cases at the start of the week (compared to 52 the previous week).

The map published by Santé Publique France. Our region appears n°1 in the Province for the number of confirmed cases

Men having sex with men

According to Public Health France, 97% of monkeypox cases for which the sexual orientation is indicated, occurred in men who have sex with men.

The multiplication of cases worries

After two years punctuated by le Covid, many of those affected by this profile want to get together and have fun. As a result, we can have a very rapid explosion of cases within the gay community. The epidemic might well start like an ember fire, in the middle of the summer period.

Vaccination recommended, but not (yet) possible in the region?

Since July 8, the High Authority for Health (HAS) has recommended vaccination for the groups of people most exposed to the virus. But we find no trace of it tonight Saint Etienneas indicated on the Government’s website on the subject.

If some vaccination centers are already in place (for example in Île de France), it should not take long for us. For the moment, only 4 centers are dedicated to vaccination: in Lyon (there are 2), to Grenoble and to Clermont-Ferrand. « Pour logistics issuesno center will be able to carry out preventive vaccinations before July 18« , also indicates the Regional Health Agency.

Eligible audiences are:

  • Men who have sex with men and trans people, both multipartner
  • People in prostitution
  • Professionals working in places of sexual consumption.

For more information, a telephone line set up

Public health France launched an information telephone platform on Wednesday July 13 to answer questions from the public. This free “Monkeypox Info service” telephone line is accessible 7 days a week on 0801 90 80 69.



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