Monkey pox: is the second dose of vaccine necessary? –

The Ministry of Health has announced its intention to seize the High Authority for Health (HAS) on the interest or not of setting up a second dose of vaccine once morest monkey pox (monkeypox).

HAS contacted on the vaccination once morest the monkeypox

A source close to the matter revealed that the Ministry of Health wonders regarding the need for the recommendation of a second dose of the vaccine once morest monkeypox. Before a decision is taken, the High Authority for Health will first be seized for its opinion.
To save doses, the ministry would also like to have the opinion of the HAS on the possibility of intradermal injections (just under the skin). The High Authority for Health is also asked to decide on the possibility of extending vaccination to women who live with men who have sex with other men.

“Vaccination on the population is not necessary”

According to health authorities, the epidemic of monkeypox is contained in the Hexagon. The latest report shows 3,800 registered cases. What is problematic is the low vaccination coverage in the country.

Indeed, only 91,000 people have been vaccinated once morest 250,000 people at risk who are eligible for the vaccination. The Ministry of Health wanted to point out that at this stage of the epidemic, “vaccination of the population is not necessary”reports

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