Monkey pox: For the first time in the world, a case of transmission from man to dog reported in Paris in a 4-year-old Italian greyhound

The first suspected case of human-to-dog transmission of monkeypox has been reported in Paris, according to an article published overnight by the Washington Post. The potential case of human-to-dog transmission was discovered in a 4-year-old Italian greyhound 12 days following its owners fell victim to monkeypox, according to the Lancet report.

According to the Washington Post, the dog had lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, pustules on the abdomen and a fine anal ulceration. Medical staff matched one of the dog owners’ infections to that detected in the animal. The researchers said the dog belonged to a couple of 27- and 44-year-old men who had a non-exclusive relationship.

The two-man couple said they let their dog sleep in the bed with them and kept their pet from contact with other humans and pets due to the onset of their own symptoms.

“Our findings should spark a debate regarding the need to isolate pets from monkeypox virus-positive individuals,” the report said.

Pets that come into close contact with a symptomatic person should be kept home and away from other animals and people for 21 days following the most recent contact, the CDC advises.

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