Money in the mattress in the hands of a single co-heir and Succession | Fisco Forum
I am raising a legal/tax case and perhaps also a case of conscience.

My brother physically holds and does not divide our mother’s cash inheritance and is creating problems with the impending probate.
I absolutely don’t want to sue him and I don’t know how to proceed.

I ask:
1) I know that I could proceed with the presentation of the succession on my own, given the approaching deadline, but in fact I could not enter the inheritance in cash, because I have no idea what I actually did with it. In fact, even declaring the last amount known to me, who guarantees me the fair division of the cash I declare if in fact it is in the hands of another heir and not in an account?
2) Also, what happens if I present the Succession first and tomorrow he presents another one, with different data and consistency? Is it possible? Which one is registered for the AE? And if so, do you pay taxes twice?

NB. Obviously this is a legitimate succession without a will, with a cash sum greater than 10%

Thanks for any advice/contribution.

Last modified: Today at 01:24



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