Monada “ritualized” La Voz before the National Quartet Festival in Villa María

2023-06-13 16:03:09

This June comes with a loaded calendar for the protagonists of the quartet universe. In the month in which the genre celebrates its 80th anniversary, the first National Quartet Festival in Villa María graces the circuit’s schedule of dances and presentations.

Monada is one of the artists who will be part of this three-day festival promoted by the production company Universo Jiménez, and which will take place on June 17, 18 and 19, as part of the XL weekend.

And in the run-up to their presentation at the festival, which will be on Sunday the 18th together with LBC and Euge Quevedo, Magui Olave, Jean Carlos and Damián Córdoba, the band led by Juanito, Agustín and Lucas Ninci went through La Voz to “ritualize” writing the newspaper.

“I don’t know where the idea of ​​ritual comes from,” commented Juanito when asked how this term was born, which today identifies at an identity level what happens between the fans of the group and the band in each of their dances. His brother Lucas took the floor to review the origin of that term: “He comes out of the song macumbawhich is recorded on the first album and says: ‘Tonight we are going to do a ritual’”.

“Actually it has nothing to do with the history of the ritual as a dance of Monada, because it was our first album, but we took that concept that dance is a ritual and it seemed to us that it was something that was matched to how rock flows, that it was a genre we had been in until a very short time back then. It was talking regarding a more rock concept, so that’s what it has to do with that”, recalled the keyboardist.

“People were taking it too, and the truth is that it is a concept that illustrates quite well what happens in the dances of Monada”, Lucas completed. And Agustín seconded him: “Today it was filled with ritualists, which is the important thing.”

In his case, Juanito added a new association of the term, this time to the state the group enters every time they go on stage. “It’s like we went into a trance. When we are on stage, the character takes over us and we transform it into a magical moment. I always say: the lights come on and the magic begins, ”he commented.

The group performed three versions of their most recent album, Season 11: I remember you, moon in capricorn y The last song.

In addition, the musicians reviewed their work dynamics between brothers. In this regard, Lucas, the eldest of the Ninci, assured: “It is a question of height regarding the older brothers. When they are smaller than you, they give you a ball. But when you already have the same height, the difference is over, we are all the same. It is the good of life, on the one hand, and the bad of being an older brother.

More information

Córdoba celebrates the 80 years of the quartet throughout the month of June

#Monada #ritualized #Voz #National #Quartet #Festival #Villa #María



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