“Molenbeek Refugee Crisis: Resettlement and Evacuation Updates from Fedasil”

2023-05-17 15:34:21

Fedasil which further specifies that among the refugees housed there, no one is currently on the street. “If the two floors on which we put seals are not reopened, we will relocate the people who had their rooms there in other parts of the building”we still say at Fedasil.

Molenbeek once again asks to be understood, respected and, above all, supported by the Federal State

But the respite could be short-lived. In her press release, the mayor of Molenbeek indicates that “lhe municipality has chosen the evacuation in stages. It will be complete by June 13. A schedule has been provided to Fedasil. Ihe municipality guarantees in this way an intervention in complete safety and dignity of the people. In addition, this method gives Fedasil the opportunity to organize itself for the rehousing of people in its reception network. We recall once again that Molenbeek is a hospitable municipality, which alone already hosts a majority of undocumented migrants present in Brussels, as well as the largest number of temporary occupations in Belgium. Molenbeek once again asks to be understood, respected and, above all, supported by the federal state”.

In short, the showdown continues between Molenbeek and Fedasil, with some 400 refugees in the midst of it all, who may soon have to find a new home. While the other Fedasil centers are full, confirms the federal agency for the reception of refugees in Belgium.

#Molenbeek #center #asylum #seekers #partially #closed #order #municipality

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