Mohamed Ramadan: The Egyptian artist’s dollars reach Parliament, and Khaled Sarhan responds in his own way

2023-05-21 17:07:27

news/240/cpsprodpb/15EB3/production/_129797798_mediaitem129797683.jpg 240w, 320w, 480w, 624w, 800w" alt="سبق أن تعرض الفنان المصري لانتقادات بعد أن ظهر في صور وهو يرمي بالنقود في حوض سباحة لكنه قال لاحقا إنها أخذت من حملة إعلانية." attribution="Social media @Mohamed ramadan" layout="responsive" src="" height="450" width="800" data-hero="true"/>

image copyright Social media @Mohamed ramadan

The Egyptian actor, Khaled Sarhan, caused a sensation among the pioneers of social networking sites following he imitated a picture that his colleague, Mohamed Ramadan, had published.

In his sarcastic way, Sarhan appeared sitting inside a microbus, with a few pounds scattered on worn and torn chairs next to him. A look of “exhaustion and misery” appeared on Sirhan’s face.

The Egyptian actor published the photo on his Facebook account without any comment, but it garnered a wide interaction and won the admiration of many who praised the realism of the scene he performed in response to Ramadan’s “provocative behavior,” according to their description.

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Ramadan had published a picture of him sitting inside a private plane, and next to him were bundles of US dollars.

#Mohamed #Ramadan #Egyptian #artists #dollars #reach #Parliament #Khaled #Sarhan #responds



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