Mohamed Al Majzoub breaks this record with the song “Iftahli Qalb”

2023-05-15 15:09:09

The Syrian artist, Muhammad Al-Majzoub, is achieving remarkable success through his latest song, which bore the name “Iftahli Qalb”, after he released it on his official YouTube channel about three weeks ago.

The song did not come out of the trend of the most watched songs on the platform during the past few days, and it also managed to break the barrier of two and a half million views recently, in addition to causing a sensation on social media.

The song in the Lebanese dialect is written by Hayat Esber and composed by Al-Majzoub, arranged by Omar Sabbagh, and Al-Majzoub filmed it in the manner of a video clip, which appears in many scenes on a boat in the sea, as he expresses his joy at meeting the beloved.

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