Modi, Yogi Adityanath admirer gets three divorces – World

A woman in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh was divorced three times by her husband just because she praised Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for the extraordinary development in Ayodhya.

Arshad was angry that his wife had termed the Bharatiya Janata Party leadership as auspicious for the country. They got married last December.

A woman from Bahraich got married to an Arshad from Ayodhya and moved to Ayodhya. She was very happy to see the spacious and clean streets of this city and praised the BJP leadership.

Arshad strongly dislikes the BJP. When the wife praised the BJP leadership, he became enraged and there was a quarrel in the house. He sent his wife to Mackay. After a few days, the elders of the family intervened and reconciled, but Arshad’s anger did not subside and he divorced his wife three times in one breath.