Modernization of the state and chronic pathologies 2024-09-22 08:59:16

Dr. writes. Francis Gaitis*

It is widely accepted that the Greek state has made multiple modernizing leaps such as for example in the field of consolidating a social state, in equality and inclusion, in the field of digital transformation which has greatly reduced bureaucracy, facilitating citizens in their daily lives and many more.

On the other hand, there are the chronic pathologies of the Greek state, with the overproduction of laws without, in several cases, adherence to the principles of good legislation, being the biggest, resulting in the creation of “loopholes”, parallel systems and generally implementation problems . Also, legislation is often followed by its incomplete implementation, either due to insufficient controls, a consequence of understaffing and underfunding of the competent bodies, or due to weakening of their application after a period of implementation, or due to corruption, or because it is simply not a priority at the given moment.

At the center of all the above, both positive and negative, is the citizen. Both the positive ones are “enjoyed” and the negative ones create, promote and maintain a multi-speed kingdom with patricians and plebeians and law-abiding and “maneuvering” under the blessings of the state itself.

Here are some rough rhetorical questions:

  1. Are all civil servants paid on the uniform salary scale, or are different forms of allowances invented for some so that some positions become in demand?
  2. In the private sector does the unskilled worker get the basic wage for five days, 8 hours work or does he work 10-12 hours 6 days and get paid for 4 hours work?
  3. How much will my pension be based on my years of service, when do I have to file my paperwork and who will collect all my stamps in a complete envelope without having to spend a small fortune on employment lawyers?
  4. Are the cars on the road all insured and do all the drivers have a license?
  5. When you are required to renew your license due to age, do you go through actual medical tests that determine your ability to drive?
  6. Do contractors who have been given the right to build semi-detached houses undertake to pay the settlement fee when their semi-detached houses are sold closed? Really, what is the purpose of this gift other than to favor a certain group of professionals at the expense of all others?
  7. Are there bus lanes and if so does anyone make sure they are never blocked by parked cars? If not why aren’t the signs uprooted?
  8. Do you actually stop at stop and red lights or does it depend on your mood and the color palette of red? And since violating them is tantamount to a criminal act, is anyone keeping a close eye on it?
  9. You buy a house, pay your tax and go home or do you buy it again and again under various pretexts (ENFIA, FMAAP, Forest maps, Land Register, Settlement etc.)
  10. Is the building legislation clear or can you, depending on the case, build a mobile home, or a detached house, or a pre-fab house, or a built-up one, a 10 sq m warehouse with a 50 sq m pergola or in the forest and many other small windows that open and close during the do they taste
  11. When you open a business you know in advance all the supporting documents and your obligations so that you can prepare properly and be legal and sufficient, or along the way you constantly discover new obligations that usually require you to put your hand deep in your pocket.
  12. There is for each sector (e.g. food safety) one and only responsible body to whom you can turn for anything that concerns you and who has the responsibility of implementing, revising and/or proposing new laws or is there a multi-division of responsibilities even in difficult times of actions is ping pong played with the ball of responsibilities between those involved?
  13. When you fall into a legal slip-up will you have the same fate as someone else who has committed the exact same offense and has the exact same mitigating circumstances as you?
  14. Is there any prison sentence that is actually served? What’s the point of saying lifetime and meaning 20 years?

The list is unfortunately inexhaustible and anyone could add questions from their personal and recruiting experiences.

The citizen has a primary need to have a good standard of living, a job which does not oppress and destroy him, a security and a certainty about the future and absolute clarity in What, how, When, where and me which schedulefor anything that concerns him either personally, at work or in business.

The modernization of the state is a complex undertaking that requires concerted efforts from all sides, however the conductor is obviously the respective government and a law that is not implemented or is applied on a case-by-case basis or creates bigger problems than it solves, rightly causes, the common feeling.

The proposal is, for starters, in each ministry:

  • to distinguish two big ones, in the sense that they concern a large part of the Greek people and important issues of their responsibilities, where malfunctions, overlaps and non- or incomplete implementation of the laws have been observed.
  • to identify and present, with a tight schedule, all the problems and pathologies of each subject.
  • to consult with those, in any way, involved, including co-competent ministries, regions, municipalities, etc.
  • to propose appropriate solutions.
  • to make and implement decisions.

It is obvious that when you attempt big changes that, along with improving the everyday life of many, will “bother” acquired or simple habits of some, there will be reactions and possible political costs. However, despite the challenges, the right strategies and sustained commitment can lead to a more efficient, fairer and modern state, and this should be the vision of all those elected, whether in government or opposition.

*Dr. Frangiskos Gaitis is a food Biologist-Microbiologist and works at the Unified Food Control Agency (EFET), Dept. of Asst. Director General of EFET, former Director General of ETAT SA (Food Industry Research and Technological Development Company), former Head of the Athens Food Testing and Research Laboratories of EFET, former President of the Association of Permanent Employees of EFET

#Modernization #state #chronic #pathologies



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