Mobilization of the digital infrastructure sector internationally | Africa news

INFRANUM – CSF Digital Infrastructures

A first INFRANUM catalog is proposed

Identified for several years as a powerful driver of growth, export is today at the heart of the development challenges for the entire French industrial sector of digital infrastructures. With the support of the State, it has its first international catalog, an essential tool presenting the know-how of companies in the sector. This publication is intended to be widely distributed to the French diplomatic network, and European and African countries, starting with Germany, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Togo, Ghana and Nigeria in order to develop industrial partnerships in a logic of close and lasting cooperation commensurate with the challenges for these strategic infrastructures.

A winning partnership to meet the challenge of digital transformation

Digital transformation represents a real global challenge for the economic, societal and environmental development of territories. The African continent must, for example, mobilize more than 100 billion dollars in investments by 2030 to deal with it. In Europe, several countries, including Germany and the United Kingdom, have just started their fiber optic deployments to connect homes and businesses at very high speed.

On the strength of its expertise in the development of digital infrastructures, France is today a leader in Europe with more than 5.6 million premises made connectable in 2021. Rising to the forefront of fiber optic producers in Europe, it already exports more than 40% of its national production. Its innovative industry covers all the key areas of expertise in these projects: manufacture of radiocommunications equipment, supply of electronic communications services, operation and maintenance of telecoms networks.

The sector is therefore able to support, from master plans to turnkey assemblies, foreign countries in their related projects:

  • High and very high speed Internet connectivity (fixed and mobile);
  • To sustainable and connected cities and territories;
  • Data management (datacenters, cybersecurity, etc.).

This support will be carried out in a partnership approach, guaranteeing an increase in the skills of local employment and the mobilization of local industrial resources involving co-investment in complex industrial poles. The objective of the French sector is to enable these countries to acquire sustainable know-how that contributes to strengthening their digital sovereignty.

Support the export of SMEs and ETIs, beyond the pioneers already launched

While many companies are already committed internationally (e.g. in the United Kingdom, Germany, Senegal), the entire sector is mobilizing today, with the support of the Government within the framework of the strategic sector contract signed at the end of 2019, to engage all French players in this dynamic.

After more than a year of work, the Strategic Committee for the “Digital Infrastructures” (“CSF”) Sector (bringing together AFNUM, FFTélécoms, InfraNum and Sycabel) announces the launch of the first edition of its international catalog: the first tool that makes visible the know-how of its actors and their operating methods.

Published in paper version in French and English (German version to come), it is intended to be a real “Swiss army knife” in two parts:

  • A guide listing the essential keys to understanding the prerequisites for digital infrastructure projects;
  • A directory of the products and services of 60 companies in the sector through illustrated double pages detailing locations and avenues for collaboration.

It is also downloadable from and will be widely distributed, within the framework of the CSF Digital Infrastructures and with the support of all French economic diplomatic relays, in particular in the countries identified as “priority” by the French sector: starting with Germany, Côte d’Ivoire , Togo, Benin, Senegal, Ghana and Nigeria. These countries are already benefiting from the work of two international “sector” volunteers posted since September 2021 in Düsseldorf and Abidjan.

“The French model and manufacturers have proven themselves in France. On the strength of this know-how rooted in the complete coverage of territories thanks to public-private partnerships, the sector has set itself the goal of connecting citizens of all countries in demand, ensuring that they strengthen their digital sovereignty, and to contribute to the development of innovative uses. » concludes Nicolas Guérin, President of the CSF Digital Infrastructures.

Download the international catalog of the CSF INFRANUM digital infrastructure sector here



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