Mobile phone data theft, worldwide upheaval

Mobile phone data theft, worldwide upheaval

Suspicious applications and emails can steal sensitive data of mobile phones, the Punjab government has alerted all institutions.

In the letter issued by the Services and General Administration Department of the Government of Punjab to all the Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners including the IG Punjab Police and the Administrative Secretaries of the province, it is stated that the cyber security alert received by the Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Division of the Government of Pakistan states that the hackers are different

Suspicious applications that are downloaded from Google Play Store can steal important and sensitive data.

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According to the post, these include suspicious apps like Online Shopping, Electricity Bill Checker, Pak e-Services 2024, Sui Gas Bill Viewer, Intelligence MC Quiztest, Initial Test Preparation.

All institutions should alert the concerned departments not to download such suspicious applications under any circumstances and ensure implementation of the SOPs mentioned in this regard.

On the other hand, millions of people’s data was stolen from websites with dot-pk domains in Pakistan. Russian cyber security company Kaspersky revealed that websites with dot-pk domains in Pakistan are easy targets for hackers and during 2023. The data of 24 lakh people have been stolen from websites with PK domains.

A 643% increase was recorded in virus attacks to steal data from websites. According to Kaspersky’s annual report, in 2023, about 10 million devices will be infected with data-stealing viruses. In the last 5 years, 443 thousand websites were attacked worldwide.

According to the report, the dotcom domain came under the brunt of the attacks in which about 326 million logins and password data of websites on this domain were stolen, while 2.4 million people from websites with dotpk domains in Pakistan alone were hacked. The data was stolen.

According to Kaspersky data, in the last 5 years, 443,000 websites worldwide were attacked by data-stealing viruses. The stolen data includes data related to social media, online banking and various corporate services. Cyber ​​attackers can use stolen data for many purposes.

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**Title: Punjab⁢ Government Issues Cybersecurity Alert Amid Rise in ​Suspicious⁤ Applications**

**Interviewer:**‍ Good⁢ morning, and thank you‌ for joining us today. We have with us Mr. Aamir Khan, ‌a cybersecurity expert, to shed light on the recent alert issued by the Punjab government regarding suspicious applications and emails.‍ Welcome, Mr. Khan.

**Aamir Khan:** Good morning! Thank you for having me.

**Interviewer:** Mr. Khan, can you explain what prompted the Punjab government to release this alert about suspicious applications⁤ and‍ emails?

**Aamir Khan:** Certainly. The alert was issued in response to intelligence received from the Cabinet ⁤Secretariat, which warned that ‍cybercriminals are​ increasingly using malicious applications to target mobile users. These apps, which can often be⁤ found on legitimate platforms⁤ like⁣ the Google Play Store, are designed to steal sensitive data including personal information and banking details.

**Interviewer:** That sounds alarming. What steps should individuals and institutions take to protect ⁢themselves?

**Aamir Khan:** The first and ⁤foremost step is to be ⁤vigilant. Users should only download applications from trusted sources and read reviews before installation. ​Additionally, it’s important to keep your device’s software updated⁣ and utilize cybersecurity software that can ​help detect and block malicious activity.

**Interviewer:** The Punjab government’s⁣ letter also mentioned collaboration with various administrative authorities. How vital is this ⁢collaboration in combatting cyber threats?

**Aamir Khan:** Collaboration is crucial as‌ it‍ allows for ⁤a more comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. When governmental and law enforcement agencies coordinate, they can share ‌vital information, alert users more effectively, and even track down perpetrators. It enhances the community’s overall resilience against cyber threats.

**Interviewer:** The alert ⁤highlighted ⁢specific applications suspected of being harmful. How can users identify⁣ such suspicious applications?

**Aamir ‌Khan:** Users should look for signs like overly excessive permissions requested by​ the app, lack of information or⁤ contact details about the developer, or poor ‌reviews. If an ⁤app ⁤seems ‌to offer too⁢ good to be true services, that’s often⁢ a red flag. Trusting your instincts can also go a long way.

**Interviewer:** Thank you⁢ for ‍those insights, Mr. ‌Khan. Before we conclude, is there any final advice you would like to share with our viewers?

**Aamir Khan:** Yes,‍ absolutely. Always be proactive about your digital security.⁤ Educate yourself ​about the latest threats and ⁣share this knowledge with your friends and family. Cybersecurity is a communal responsibility, and together we can create a safer digital environment.

**Interviewer:** Thank⁣ you, Mr.⁢ Khan, for your valuable time and expertise on this pressing issue.

**Aamir Khan:** Thank you for having me. Stay safe online!

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