Mob of Arabs beat up Ukrainian refugees in Sweden

Teenagers who came together as refugees to Sweden from Ukraine suffered as a result of an attack by a group of Arabs.

According to edition Swedish News, the incident took place in the Ronneby refugee camp in southern Sweden. Five Ukrainian teenagers were playing football when they were approached by a group of 12 people who spoke Arabic.

One of the Ukrainian teenagers later said that he understands a little Arabic and therefore heard the attackers shouting: “Kill the Ukrainians, beat the Ukrainians.” The victim tried to explain to them that they did not want trouble, but the collision might not be avoided. The Arabs, shouting for the guys to “get out to Ukraine,” attacked them.

As a result, the attackers beat up two brothers, aged 12 and 17. They, threatening the victims with a knife, lashed them with belts, pushed, beat. As a result, the youngest boy’s nose was broken.

A Ukrainian refugee living in the area, who came with her four-year-old daughter, noted that she wanted to leave because of the lack of security, but did not know where. “Is this really the order of things here? Why don’t you dare go outside following seven in the evening, for fear of being beaten?” she noted.



One Response

  1. Swedish police and swedish state wont do anything against the arab nobles (Thay are the new nobles of sweden)

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