MLFF Implementation Plan Still Being Refined – 2024-07-30 16:40:55

A number of car drivers enter the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) through the Ciledug toll gate, Jakarta. (Antara)

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing continues to make improvements related to the plan to implement a non-stop, contactless, cashless toll transaction system or Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF).

“Currently, improvements are still being made to the plan to implement a non-stop, contactless cashless toll transaction system so that it can be applied and used by toll road users. Because it is still in the transition stage, the MLFF system will not be applied in full immediately but will be applied gradually until everything is ready,” said PUPR Infrastructure Financing Director General Triono Junoasmono in his statement in Jakarta, Tuesday (30/7).

The MLFF system is implemented using the KPBU (Government Cooperation with Business Entities) scheme with the Implementing Business Entity, namely PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS), which won the auction in 2021 for a concession period of 9 years.

For information, the Director General of Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing of the PUPR Ministry, Triono Junoasmono, conducted a field visit to see the readiness of the toll payment system with non-stop contactless cashless technology or Multi Lane Free Flow at the Ngurah Rai Toll Gate, Bali.

The PUPR Ministry previously issued PUPR Ministerial Regulation Number 18 of 2020 concerning Contactless Non-Cash Toll Transactions on Toll Roads and subsequently with the issuance of PP Number 23 of 2024 concerning Toll Roads, MLFF officially became one of the toll road transaction systems in Indonesia.

For your information, MLFF is a technology-based toll payment system. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and make transactions through a special toll road application in smartphone.

Read also: Bali Mandara Contactless Toll Cashless Payment Trial Canceled. Here’s Why

Next, the GPS will determine the location determined by the satellite and the process map-matching will run on central system.

Users just need to download an application called Cantas at smartphone, Register by filling in your personal data and ensuring balance availability before entering the toll gate.

The purpose of implementing contactless toll transactions Multi Lane Free Flow/MLFF) to improve toll road services to the public.

MLFF aims to reduce delay when on the toll road, and can reduce travel time thereby increasing competitiveness from the road network system, and allows for the implementation of the concept fair pricing namely the charging of tariffs according to the road taken by road users. (Ant/N-2)

#MLFF #Implementation #Plan #Refined



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