2024-03-28 09:10:20
We are already thinking regarding the next edition: the impulse towards companies It is and will be to be increasingly focused on the contents to be expressed and to land at the fair. The artisanal image of Craft products It is something to focus on, and here there is still a long way to go, albeit with budget limits compared to the “big brothers” of the big brands. What regarding the public? It is changing, and a lot: the enthusiast sometimes reveals a curiosity and enthusiasm greater than that of the professional, which leads directly to the need (detected during the three days) for training on the product with regards to the sales and commercial part .
On some new features this year, the work to be done is evident: the first edition of the Grappa Experience, Amaro and Vermouth Awards has yet to find its space within apanorama awardsu201d whose framework in Italy is yet to be built. Nothing to envy, however, even at an international level, for the set up of the fairaccording to the visitors and all the exhibitors with whom we interacted over the three days: the centrality of the Main Bar was particularly appreciated, always of fundamental importance in our events, but with a different location from previous years which allowed us to give vigor to the products being mixed, thanks to the signature drink di Mixology Experience.
Also important is the look to the future and the intergenerational approach guaranteed by the project Next Bartender: u2019c’s activitybar and reception room stagingu201d guaranteed a recognized start-up – and supported by active tutoring – to the young boys of the Carlo Porta Hotel Institute in Milan, already in their third year of collaboration with Bartender.it (the opportunity is open to all educational institutions involved).
So how does Bartender.it look towards Mixology Experience 2025?
u00abPositive feedback from exhibitors, with a 96% of reconfirmations already had for next yearLuca Pirola underlines it is the greatest proof of esteem for the work we are carrying out in a painstaking manner in the name of high quality. We can only start from here!
See you soon with the dates of the 2025 edition of Mixology Experience, stay tuned…
Now, for some necessary considerations, taking into account that the editorial team of Bartender.it cannot be conceived as separate from the organization of the event, whose implementation and production is firmly in the hands of its cousin. division of theBar.
We are already thinking regarding the next edition: the impulse towards companies It is and will be to be increasingly focused on the contents to be expressed and to land at the fair. The artisanal image of Craft products It is something to focus on, and here there is still a long way to go, albeit with budget limits compared to the “big brothers” of the big brands. What regarding the public? It is changing, and a lot: the enthusiast sometimes reveals a curiosity and enthusiasm greater than that of the professional, which leads directly to the need (detected during the three days) for training on the product with regards to the sales and commercial part .
On some new features this year, the work to be done is evident: the first edition of the Grappa Experience, Amaro and Vermouth Awards has yet to find its space within apanorama awardsu201d whose framework in Italy is yet to be built. Nothing to envy, however, even at an international level, for the set up of the fairaccording to the visitors and all the exhibitors with whom we interacted over the three days: the centrality of the Main Bar was particularly appreciated, always of fundamental importance in our events, but with a different location from previous years which allowed us to give vigor to the products being mixed, thanks to the signature drink di Mixology Experience.
Also important is the look to the future and the intergenerational approach guaranteed by the project Next Bartender: u2019c’s activitybar and reception room stagingu201d guaranteed a recognized start-up – and supported by active tutoring – to the young boys of the Carlo Porta Hotel Institute in Milan, already in their third year of collaboration with Bartender.it (the opportunity is open to all educational institutions involved).
So how does Bartender.it look towards Mixology Experience 2025?
u00abPositive feedback from exhibitors, with a 96% of reconfirmations already had for next yearLuca Pirola underlines it is the greatest proof of esteem for the work we are carrying out in a painstaking manner in the name of high quality. We can only start from here!
See you soon with the dates of the 2025 edition of Mixology Experience, stay tuned…
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Now, however… some necessary considerations – taking into account that the editorial team of Bartender.it cannot be conceived as separate from the organization of the event – whose implementation and production is firmly in the hands of its “cousin” division of theBar.
We are already thinking regarding the next edition: the impulse towards companies is and will be to be increasingly focused on the contents to be expressed and brought to the fair. The artisanal image of Craft products it is something to focus on, and here there is still a long way to go, albeit with budget limits compared to the “big brothers” of the big brands. What regarding the public? It is changing, and a lot: the enthusiast sometimes reveals a curiosity and enthusiasm greater than that of the professional, which leads directly to the need (detected during the three days) for training on the product with regards to the sales and commercial part.
On some new features this year, the work to be done is evident: the first edition of the Grappa Experience, Amaro and Vermouth Awards has yet to find its space within a “panorama awards” whose framework in Italy is yet to be built. Nothing to envy, however, even at an international level, for the set up of the fairaccording to the visitors and all the exhibitors with whom we interacted over the three days: the centrality of the Main Bar was particularly appreciated, always of fundamental importance in our events, but with a different location from previous years which allowed us to give vigor to the products being mixed, thanks to the signature drink di Mixology Experience.
The look to the future and the intergenerational approach guaranteed by the project are also important Next Bartender: the activity of “bar and reception room staging” guaranteed a recognized implementation – and supported by active tutoring – to the young people of the Carlo Porta Hotel Institute in Milan, already in their third year of collaboration with Bartender.it (the opportunity is open to all interested educational institutions) .
So how does Bartender.it look towards Mixology Experience 2025?
«Positive feedback from exhibitors, with a 96% of reconfirmations already had for next year» underlines Luca Pirola «it is the greatest proof of esteem for the work we are carrying out in a painstaking manner in the name of high quality». We can only start from here!
See you soon with the dates of the 2025 edition of Mixology Experience, stay tuned…
#Mixology #che #bella #Experience #bartender.it