‘Miwoo Bird’ Lee Sang-min, “Have you ever contributed to repaying debts?” rants over allegations of remaining debt

picture explanation‘Miwoo Bird’. photo|SBS

Ahead of the ‘Miu bird class leader election’, a bloody (?) battle for truth between ‘former class leader’ Kim Jun-ho and ‘vice-chairman’ Sang-min Lee is unfolding.

On SBS ‘My Little Old Boy’, which will be aired on the 10th, a personnel hearing will be held to verify the candidate for the Miu Bird class president.

A full-fledged hearing began, and the sons attacked indiscriminately to evaluate the qualifications of Vice Chairman Lee Sang-min. Lee Sang-min, who was being questioned by his sons regarding the suspicion of remaining debt (?), finally responded with a ferocious objection, such as disclosing legal evidence, saying, “Have you ever contributed to my debt repayment?”

At the sight of the sons fighting in a serious muddy battle over the position of ‘Miwoo Bird’, the Vengers mightn’t help but laugh, saying, “The way they slander each other is like a real hearing.”

In addition, Kim Jun-ho surprised everyone by continuing the unexpected battle of revelations, saying, “Lee Sang-min only wore a chainsaw and is a violent criminal.” In the end, Kim Jun-ho even presented concrete evidence regarding Sang-min’s violence (?), and the scene as well as the studio were turned upside down.

The prelude to ‘The 1st Miu Bird Greeting Hearing’, which was riddled with indiscriminate revelations and blood-splattering attacks, can be seen in ‘My Little Old Boy’, which will be broadcast at 9:05 pm on the 10th.

[박세연 스타투데이 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]



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