Mitsotakis: “We stand by the Disabled” – 2024-07-24 06:24:02

“I am making this post to share with you two government decisions that I consider particularly important for improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and implementing our National Strategy for their Rights,” the Prime Minister said in a post on social media. “Today, a Joint Ministerial Decision was signed between the Ministries of National Economy and Labor, according to which the list of irreversible diseases is revised and expanded again. What does this mean and why is it important? It is important because this is how we put an end to the suffering of our fellow citizens with 17 specific diseases (surgical, endocrine gland, respiratory and circulatory system) who had to go through committees again and again to receive certification”, underlined Mr. Mitsotakis.

He added: “In 2022 we had done the same for another 14 irreversible diseases, with the total number now reaching 159. At the same time, the administrative burden for the Disability Certification Center (KEPA) is reduced, as it is not required re-evaluation of the specific citizens and thus, the reduction of the incidents that go for evaluation to the K.E.P.A. it also implies the reduction of the time required for the examination of new applications. Now, the sufferers of the diseases of the new table that are characterized as irreversible, will register for life their percentage of disability in the KE.P.A. and together with the prescribed allowances and benefits, without the need for reassessment. Work to simplify and speed up disability certification continues. It doesn’t stop here. As reducing bureaucracy and unnecessary suffering, especially of our most vulnerable fellow citizens, is a key priority.”

He then referred to the government’s second intervention, which is the integration into the medical staff of the K.E.P.A. 700 additional doctors, eventually reaching 1200 from the current 500, while new specialties are also being added.

“Combining these two policies, our goal is on the one hand to reduce the suffering of our fellow citizens, on the other hand the faster evaluation of new applications by the KE.P.A. Respecting the rights of our fellow citizens with disabilities and supporting them is a priority for us. And we prove it every day, until we reach a society without exclusions and inequalities. For a society with everyone, for everyone”, underlined the prime minister.

The post of the Prime Minister

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#Mitsotakis #stand #Disabled



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