Mitsotakis: The free university, which the DAP was the first to plan since 1987, is finally being voted on – Fierce attack on the opposition 2024-03-03 23:06:26

The prime minister began his speech by thanking the DAPites for the fight they gave in the recent elections and, immediately after, he emphasized that next Friday the free university, which you were the first to plan as early as 1987, will finally be voted on.

“We have every reason to be proud of this contribution path”, he noted, saying that in a short time “we will celebrate 50 years of Democracy and together 50 years of New Democracy”.

Referring to the economic policy implemented by the ND government, he said that the Greece of 2024 “has the highest growth rates and single-digit unemployment. Income has improved by 20% and the minimum wage is about to increase for the fourth time.”

“We are building the new Greece of the digital age. And it is no coincidence that the Economist declared us country of the year for 2023”, he noted, adding that, since 2019, “citizens have been convinced that it can emerge stronger from crises and difficulties”.

“On the education and housing fronts, great efforts are being made. This year the funding of HEIs is double that of 2018. 25,000 appointments were made. The model schools, which the Left fought so hard for, have doubled,” said Mr. Mitsotakis.

And despite the reactions of the university community, students and the opposition, he argued that “with the bill we brought to vote (including for private universities), 70% concerns the strengthening of the public University”, to emphasize with applause that “generations of DAPs fought for this reform to succeed. Now this government is putting it into practice.”

“The interest of foreign universities is very intense”

“We will not allow a model of some floors in an apartment building”, he said characteristically regarding the establishment of non-state universities, saying that there is “very strong interest from foreign universities” to establish branches in Greece and “those who express it, know the strict criteria which we set”.

It should be noted that Kyriakos Mitsotakis attacked both SYRIZA and PASOK for the objections they have expressed regarding the disputed bill, even mentioning about Nikos Androulakis that he was impressed by the change in his attitude, “which”, as he said, “he has confused even his colleagues”, in fact, at the moment when “a former president of PASOK”, as he pointed out, referring to Evangelos Venizelos, “is in favor of the draft law” of the government.

He also spoke about the attitude of SYRIZA, noting that “Mr. Kasselakis says ‘no’, but he himself studied at a non-state, non-profit university. Explain this contradiction to me. That is, if the university he studied at declares that he wants a branch in Greece, what will Mr. Kasselakis say, that he does not want it?”

To support, in fact, afterwards that “Kasselakis and Androulakis are fighting for the first place of the defeated”.

“The violence at the Greek public university is over. We’re moving forward now. Where necessary, the police will intervene in Universities in consultation with chancellors – students will not be held hostage by small minorities,” he also said.

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“A mud campaign is coming ahead of the European elections”

It should be noted that Mr. Mitsotakis made reference to the tragedy of Tempi, saying that “we all feel the same pain for Tempi” and warned of a mud campaign that is expected in the run-up to the European elections.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis attacked the opposition saying that it is slipping into more and more vulgarities. He spoke about a resolution of shame in the European Parliament by the opposition depriving our country of money. “They turned collective mourning, which has no color, into a party tool. It is a shame that political hypocrites want to monopolize this collective sadness of the whole country. We all feel the same pain for the tragedy of Tempe, especially our young men and women.

“The battle will determine how strong the ND’s voice will be in the decision-making centers of Brussels. To strengthen the party that established national borders as European and brought resources of 36 billion from the Recovery Fund”, he emphasized and added:

“From today we are all on the electoral alert with our youth at the forefront, he stressed. And he announced that he is waiting for a proposal from ONNED for the representation of the youth in the European ballot. The counter is going to zero and the June polls will be empty but they must be filled with many blue ballots confirming that one is the faction that can bring tangible results for the benefit of Greece and Europe”.

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#Mitsotakis #free #university #DAP #plan #finally #voted #Fierce #attack #opposition

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