Mitsotakis order to close “fronts” and outstanding issues with the citizens! 2024-07-31 02:47:02

And the developments in SYRIZA, with the deletion of Polakis from the party’s Parliamentary Group, may have turned the spotlight elsewhere, but this does not mean that the government’s central strategy has changed. And she is proving in the field not only that she got the message of the European elections, but she is closing “fronts” that would bring her into conflict with traditional sections of society that vote for New Democracy. This, moreover, was one of the factors that now enter the equation after the messages conveyed by the MPs.

Thus, the Prime Minister asked the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, to close the “front” that had begun to be created with the doctors of the private sector, on the occasion of the shortages that had occurred in pathologists in public hospitals, not with conflicting logics, but with persuasion and motivation.

Something that was put into practice, with the Minister of Health announcing yesterday that he will not need to issue a KYA (Joint Ministerial Decision) for the ban on the issuance of electronic prescriptions by private doctors, while on Monday, when he is expected to meet with the Panhellenic Medical Association , to close the issue in a climate of understanding and in low tones.

It seems that this soft-spoken “model” will be applied to a number of issues as well. One of them was the one regarding tax declarations. The Minister of National Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, finally gave an extension of a few days in order to close an unnecessary front that he had opened with the tax experts.

And they, like the doctors, constitute in their majority sections of the electorate that traditionally support the ruling party.

In Maximos and in Piraeus, they argue that a part of the basis of the N.D. must not be lost, as happened with marriage equality, and indeed with logic of orders or intransigence, which even if the issues were temporarily resolved, they would leave imprints on social groups, which will not be erased from their memory and will return when election time comes. That’s why the “massage” will continue.

A third front that concerned the whole society was that of electricity bills. All indications are that prices will develop better than initial forecasts and an “electric shock” for consumers will be avoided, and providers seem willing to behave sensibly, without passing on any wholesale increases to consumers. At the same time, the government is preparing the measure for taxation of excess profits, in order to proceed with the announcement of the amount of support. A measure which will be horizontal for consumers.

The fourth front where it seems that the government’s moves are starting to pay off is that of bank fees, which are already announcing programs with reductions, while interest rates are also expected to deescalate, which will help those who have taken out loans.

As far as government work is concerned, everything shows that next week the pending legislative work will be closed, while it is possible that the last Council of Ministers will be held before the August holidays. What concerns the prime minister, however, is the narrative that must be presented to the citizens so that there is a vision and a goal beyond everyday life.

The truth is that in the autumn – and for some time – he will experience absolute political loneliness, as the situation in the opposition and the introversion, due to procedures, in which he will find himself will not help to create corners that can be used for conflicts. This, however, will raise the bar of the demands of the citizens, who, in view of the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki, will be waiting to hear the specific support measures.

#Mitsotakis #order #close #fronts #outstanding #issues #citizens



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