Mitsotakis in the Cabinet: The battle against punctuality is coming to an end but will continue – Attica Road tolls at 2.50 euros from October 2024-08-31 14:55:12

“I am given the occasion by starting to comment on the climate that some are trying to rebuild around the prices in the market at a time when inflation is declining, while for the second month in a row food price increases in our country fell below the European average term. I asked the Minister of Development to inform us in detail with comparisons of the same products last year and this year. I think that these figures will show that the ramparts that we have raised so far, which are many, are effective and that this difficult phase that we have gone through is coming to an end,” he stressed.

“Tolls on Attiki Odos will be 2.50 euros from October 6,” Mr. Mitsotakis emphasized.

“Despite the obstacles, Greece is picking up speed and our government is implementing its four-year plan every day. All the steps taken will lead to great changes for the benefit of the citizens. We also want permanent increases in income.”

In addition, regarding the issue of comparisons with Bulgaria, the Prime Minister spoke of “myths”. “We will answer the myths about the comparison with Bulgaria, which has a basic salary of 400 euros and we 830”, he pointed out.

At the same time, he indirectly referred to the developments in SYRIZA, stressing that “as the impasses of the opposition intensify, our own responsibilities increase. The people are not concerned with the opposition but with their problems.”

The entire Mitsotakis presentation to the cabinet

Good day, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues. At the center of our meeting today is everyday life and its problems, which gives me an occasion, starting, to comment on the climate that some are trying to rebuild around the prices in the market. At a time, in fact, when inflation is receding, while for the second month in a row food price increases in our country fell below the European average.

I asked the Minister of Development to inform us in detail, with comparisons of the same products, last year and this year. I think that these figures will show that the “banks” we have erected so far, which are many, are effective and that this difficult phase, which we have undeniably passed, is coming to an end.
Of course, the battle is an ongoing battle. We have a first front now, which is none other than school supplies, as schools will reopen in September. I was happy to see that several chains now offer prices that are noticeably lower than last year. So I believe that both competition and state controls will work and in this area household costs will not be disproportionately burdened this year.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve said it many times, no one is saying that prices haven’t gone up in our country in recent years. What we are saying is that we are resisting and that things will gradually get better.

I will say it again, indeed, food price increases fell below the European average, in fact, if we remove the disproportionately large effect of olive oil on the food price index in our country, the food price index is now moving downwards.

We will, of course, have the opportunity to talk about all this shortly at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition, proving that Greece, despite the obstacles, is picking up speed and that our government, with many daily steps, is implementing its plan – I want to I remind you, it is a four-year plan, we have passed one of the four years of our government term – and that all these steps that are taken will eventually lead to big leaps, big changes, for the benefit of the citizens.

Our main goal and the best answer to accuracy is permanent increases in income. This is what we continue to serve. We will have the opportunity to say more about all this in ten days from now, so that we can answer, of course, some of the myths that are being circulated, which present Greece as being worse than Bulgaria.

Bulgaria with a basic salary of 477 euros, let me remind you, while in Greece it is 830. Greece, which is second in growth rate of GDP per capita and a country in which the consumption index, which is perhaps the most indicative because contains all household expenses, is constantly being improved.

Surely the opposition can remain captive to its impasses. We leave it to her own judgment. What I want to say, however, is that as the deadlocks of the opposition intensify, our own responsibilities increase.

It is our duty to preserve the prestige of politics and that is why the only way we know is none other than the intensity of our work. To respond with tangible work to the slogans.

I don’t think people are particularly concerned with what is happening in the opposition, but they are very concerned with their own problems and how we can respond to them.

To give an example only from today’s agenda: we will give the authorization to sign the new Attica Road concession contract. The public coffers will be strengthened by more than 3 billion euros from the company that will manage it, but there will also be a tangible benefit for the citizens, as from October 6 the tolls on Attiki Odos will be reduced from 2.8 euros to 2. 5 euros. This is a tangible result for citizens, especially those who regularly use the city’s main highway.

Our presentation yesterday in Thessaloniki was similar, to thank the Ministers who participated. For the first time, I think, those present in Central Macedonia realized the range of interventions that are implemented at many different levels.

Similar presentations will be made in all Regions. And the platform that we have already posted on the internet – is the relevant link – presents in detail all the projects that are implemented throughout the territory of more than 1 million: who is the implementing body, what is the stage of implementation project, what is the source of funding.

See it as a “Ι@ύγεια” basically for all the projects that are done in the country and of course an accountability mechanism so that we can monitor the implementation of what we have committed to.

Another intervention, important I think, for the everyday life of the citizen, was my presence at the OASA depot in Eastern Attica, with the new buses already making their presence felt in Eastern and soon in Western Attica. I want to remind you that strengthening public transport is our central priority, we will have a total of 950 new buses on the streets of Athens by the summer of 2025.

Now, in terms of the issues on our agenda, apart from the Attica Road concession contract, three short observations.

First, the presentation that Mr. Papathanasis will make on the report on the course of the Recovery Fund. I think the message is common, you know it very well, that we all have to do our job to ensure that we achieve the milestones, absorb the relevant funds, so that in the autumn the country can collect the fifth installment of the aid from the Fund Recovery.

Another Justice Department bill that adds new weapons to our domestic violence quiver. I want to welcome the great effort that has been made by the co-competent Ministries in this field – and by the Ministry of Citizen Protection, the new offices for dealing with domestic violence.
I believe that we have now conquered the consciousness, primarily of women, that the state can effectively stand by them and that they have the courage to report such incidents.

I think that the Ministry rightly decided that interventions should be made in the legal framework, which allow additional preventive measures for people with a troubled past, to expand the concept of a partner, the management of suspicious behavior within relationships, but also the immediate coverage of financial needs of the victim. This is why the Minister of Justice will talk to us.

And the Minister of Citizen Protection will present to us his plans for further interventions to reorganize the Hellenic Police, modernization programs, use of new technologies, interventions that will take place in the Police Academy, organizational reorganization of the Hellenic Police. I attach great importance to the new technical means that we can have at our disposal. And that obviously includes lots of new cameras on the roads. We will soon have the opportunity to say more about them. So, we have a lot to discuss today as well. So we can begin.

The agenda of the Council of Ministers:

– Update from the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis for the progress of the actions of the Recovery and Resilience Fund,

-Presentation by the Minister of National Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis and the Minister of Development Takis Theodorikakos of the bill for incentives for innovation and business mergers,

– Presentation by the Minister of Development Takis Theodorikakos of the legislative initiatives: a) Incorporation of Directive 2022/2464 on the submission of sustainability reports, b) Fundraising bill,

-Presentation by the Minister of Citizen Protection Michalis Chrysochoidis of the bill for the reorganization of the Headquarters and Staff Services of the Hellenic Police and the upgrading of the Police Academy,

– Presentation by the Minister of Justice George Floridis of the domestic violence bill,

– Presentation by the Minister of Digital Governance Dimitris Papastergiou of the bill for the integration of Directive 2022/2555 to achieve a high level of cyber security,

-Proposal from the Minister of National Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis and the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Christos Staikouras regarding the provision of authorization for the signing of the concession agreement for financing, operation, maintenance and exploitation of the Attica Road.

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#Mitsotakis #Cabinet #battle #punctuality #coming #continue #Attica #Road #tolls #euros #October



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