“The Parliament may present a slightly different image today after the reshuffles in the opposition seats, but the bill we are discussing is part of a stable path that we serve”, said Kyriakos Mitsotakis and explained the aim of the draft law. As the prime minister said, he aims at “organizing primary care, renovating structures, recruiting new health workers and improving their salaries.”
From November 28 they will start 37,000 free afternoon surgeriesthe prime minister announced from the floor of the Parliament Kyriakos Mitsotakis. “We are promoting the afternoon surgeries. A process that was predicted in 2017, but nothing had been done. We have now created a single list so that it can be monitored by the state and society. From November 28, the 37,000 free surgeries that will be performed with the resources of the Recovery Fund begin. Starting from the back to the front. From our fellow citizens who wait longer to go into surgery,” said the Prime Minister specifically.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis described the plan as ambitious, noting that “it has no precedent in the history of the National Health Service and it requires time and perseverance in its execution”. As he emphasized, “it requires continuous monitoring, so that the many obstacles are removed and important interventions that correct arrhythmias are promoted. The provisions we are discussing about the personal physician are also in this direction. An institution that was late in coming to our country. The importance of a personal physician was underestimated by the medical community and by citizens. 44% of citizens today have not joined the institution. But we must agree that the personal physician is a point of reference. He is not the personal physician, the one who will simply prescribe the medicines for us without payment. He will advise us on the vaccines for the tests, direct us to the hospital and compile the digital file that we will all soon have.”
“Henceforth, the number of personal physicians will increase,” the Prime Minister emphasized. “Citizens will not be charged for the services provided,” he said. Kyriakos Mitsotakis then referred to two more initiatives which, as he said, deserve separate mention. “The brave decision to pay a lump sum for doctors who choose to pursue general family medicine and pathology. I should also consider the establishment of 8 university health centers staffed with teaching and medical staff who will provide care but will also teach the health staff. I will make a special reference to the field of prevention. It is a polarity that, according to research, is decisive for life expectancy. You don’t have to be a scientist to know the key features of our habits that promote good health. Don’t smoke, eat healthy, exercise. The difference in life expectancy between those who do everything and those who do nothing can be 18 years,” the prime minister said.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis also mentioned the establishment of 8 university health centers which are staffed with teaching and research staff. “The goal is that such emergencies do not arrive at hospitals, but that they arrive at a primary health center,” said the prime minister. Kyriakos Mitsotakis also referred to the steps being taken in the field of prevention, saying that it is decisive for life expectancy.
“For the first time we are getting an organized prevention and public health program,” he said. “The “Prolamvano” program is an “umbrella” program that enables almost the entire population to have the basic preventive examinations on time and free of charge. It started with the Fofi Gennimata program for the valid diagnosis of breast cancer. 500,000 women had a screening mammogram as a result of this program. About 30,000 were identified with findings. The goal is to examine 2,000,000 Greek women.
“The few sworn doctors and pharmacists who embezzle money from EOPYY are stealing from Greek men and women. Let them forget it, we will find them” Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasized and then referred to the opposition: “I will wait for PASOK’s final decision. Not of the Left, its future is uncertain, but its refusal is certain. Let’s see if PASOK will say no to everything again. Parliamentarianism imposes informed criticism but not party entrenchment or flirting with kindred spaces.
On the contrary, instead of another position, I was informed that PASOK submitted an amendment. A copy of the SYRIZA amendment. You are trying to replace SYRIZA even in its mistakes. Before it even dissolves, hurry to take its place under the shade of the lefto tree. You have to realize that the country has spending ceilings. Tell us where you will cut it. I imagine the provision for the heavy and unhealthy will allow retirement at 62. 7,500 doctors and nurses will leave, is that what you want? You come and say to empty the NHS of doctors and nurses, this is your policy for the NHS”.
What does the bill of the Ministry of Health provide for the Personal Doctor
Regarding the personal physician, with the provisions of the bill:
- registration of the population with a personal physician remains mandatory.
- the function of the personal physician as a gateway to public health services is maintained, however, other physicians also have a relevant right of referral, after informing the personal physician about the matters of their specialty
- the right to register with a single personal physician is reserved, with the possibility of transferring up to twice per year
- the limits of two thousand (2,000) and one thousand five hundred (1,500) patients per personal physician and pediatrician, respectively, remain
- the possibility of defining, as personal, doctors of other specialties than general/family medicine and internal pathology is abolished
- the categories of personal doctors include private doctors, doctors who serve in rural service positions, and graduates of medical schools if they wish to obtain a specialty title in Greece,
- an attraction incentive of forty thousand (40,000) euros is established for the acquisition of the specialties of general/family medicine and internal pathology.
Conversion of Health Centers into University Health Centers
The bill provides for the transformation of Health Centers into University Health Centers, which are interconnected with Departments of Medicine of public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). “The proposed reform is expected to contribute decisively to the upgrading of Primary Health Care services”, “to ensuring the continuous and optimal training of health professionals throughout the territory”, “to the provision of high-standard medical services to the country’s residents, regardless of geographical dispersion them, by utilizing modern digital telemedicine tools”, as stated in the explanatory statement.
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#Mitsotakis #Parliament #free #afternoon #surgeries #start #November #waiting #PASOK #continue
It looks like you have a JavaScript snippet that handles various ad-related functionalities, such as managing Google AdSense, initializing OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for comments, and potentially others like Taboola and Glomex. However, the code is incomplete and contains some commented-out sections and syntax errors.
To help you understand or fix this code, here’s a structured explanation of the main parts, along with some corrections and recommendations:
### 1. Removing Mobile AdSense
The initial part of your code removes elements from your document that are supposed to represent AdSense ads for mobile if they exist:
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {
### 2. Handling AdSense Slots
Next, you check for any AdSense slots and are presumably preparing to load certain scripts:
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;
if (adSenseSlotCount > 0) {
// Load scripts or perform operations on each slot
Here, you can add logic to load specific scripts related to the ad slots if the condition is met.
### 3. Initializing OneSignal
This block initializes OneSignal for web push notifications:
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
### 4. Disqus Configuration
Disqus is set up for comments, but the URL string is incomplete:
var disqus_config = function() {
this.page.url = “YOUR_PAGE_URL”; // Add the relevant page URL
this.page.identifier = 1564096; // Unique identifier for the page
### 5. Dynamic Script Loading
The `asyncLoadScript` function is used multiple times for loading various scripts. Ensure that you define or import this function correctly in your code. The syntax should be valid JavaScript with properly constructed URLs:
### 6. Complete Scripts for Ads
You must fill in the various incomplete strings for loading scripts or make sure those sections are properly processed:
### 7. Comments and Redundant Code
Be sure to clean up commented-out code. Maintain clarity by keeping only necessary sections. For example, if you decide not to use CleverCore, remove that section or clarify the comment.
### Conclusion
To proceed, ensure that all the URLs and placeholders are filled in properly. Verify that you’ve removed unnecessary comments, fixed syntax errors, and tested the loaded scripts for functionality. If you have any specific questions about certain portions or need further assistance on any specific feature, feel free to ask!