Mitsotakis’ attack on Velopoulos: “Some people exploit the Christian faith in the most obscene way” 2024-04-27 01:58:21

In his own way, the Archbishop once once more condemned not only the incidents that some set up in churches, but also those who urge the faithful with statements to condemn the politicians who will go to the churches during Holy Week.

The Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Archbishop of Athens Ieronymos visited the “Vangelizmos tis Theotokou” kindergarten in Dilesi Boeotia, a structure of the Holy Archdiocese. There, they sent a resounding message regarding the eternally strong cooperation between State and Church.

The Archbishop of Athens Hieronymos was clear that the Church follows its own line and not “what Kyriakos Velopoulos or any other politician says” in his statements from Delesi, noting that “These are holy days and we should not spoil them for trifles”. he said initially to add that “The Church calls us all to love one another, to respect one another and to fight alone and with others. What this fight is is determined by what each person believes and what they aim for. This is also our difference. He who aims at his own interest tells things from his own point of view”, said the Archbishop initially.

Afterwards, he added that “we will not do anything other than what the word of God provides, we will not follow orders and lines, nor what Kyriakos Velopoulos or any other politician says. We respect opinions, we count them and we do what God says: we love all people.”

When asked by journalists if there is a “Christian meter”, he answered, “no, never. Only love, forgiveness, fellowship and cooperation. Especially in the area of ​​Greece, in our country, especially in these times, cooperation is essential. There are many things that separate us that make us different, but we are looking at how we can move forward with this collaboration.”

And he added: “I can’t even go to things that the Gospel doesn’t say, no matter what the prime minister says, I look at what the Gospel says. He too may have his principles. I cannot identify myself nor can you identify with personal interests or positions that tomorrow will have no value.

He also emphasized that “we are in times that require cooperation”, while when asked if there is going to be a special circular to priests ahead of Holy Week to guard the climate of the days, he replied that “we are not going to do anything more than ,what we do every year”.

For his part, the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, during his visit with Archbishop Hieronymos to the “Evangelismos tis Theotokou” kindergarten, created by the Church of Greece, made sure to emphasize that the institutional cooperation between the State and the Church is close, putting an end to thus in the turmoil created by the passage of the Marriage Equality Act. Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasized: “Our cooperation with the Church, institutionally, was, is and remains close”. Furthermore, referring to the upcoming Holy Week, he underlined: “Entering this holy season, the Archbishop’s words regarding love and respect are more relevant than ever.” Expressing his satisfaction for the great social work of the Church, the Prime Minister stated: “We look forward to the social footprint of the Church, which complements the state structures.”

First stop of Mr. Mitsotakis and Hieronymou, were at the “Evangelismos Tis Theotokou” nursery school, where they were welcomed by Metropolitan Fthiotidos Simeon. There they had the opportunity to talk with the 47 students of the structure and their teachers. They were given a tour of the classrooms and the digital story and play room, while the children sang Lazarus carols and offered Easter gifts, their own creations.

“I want, Your Beatitude, to thank and congratulate you for your great social work, visiting three structures today, which are under the supervision of the Archdiocese. And as we enter Holy Week, I think your words, that above all we must treat one another with love and respect, resonate today more than ever. And I want to emphasize once once more that our cooperation in its institutionally defined framework was, is and remains extremely close. And that we look forward precisely to this important social footprint of the Church, which comes and complements state structures, state welfare, always giving an excess of love and support to those who need it most. And in your person, I would also like to thank all your collaborators, clergy and laity, the thousands of volunteers, who assist this very rich social work of the Church. And as, as I said, the great celebration of Christianity is approaching, days of reflection but also days when all of us can ask ourselves what more we can do to help especially those who need it most. So it is with great pleasure that I am here with you today”, emphasized Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

“I want to emphasize that everyone who works here is making enormous efforts to support our children and their families in the best possible way,” noted the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece.

“Today our prime minister came to see you, tell him that you are well and that now that school is closed and we will all celebrate Easter together, you will become better children and so you will get back together to continue the fight. A good effort is being made, the parents are quite happy. Again, I and our partners are pleased with the offer to families, but also to our children as such. And we would like more such schools but, as we said yesterday, we are asking for a good cooperation, so that together with Church and State we can do such projects and be proud of them. We thank you very much for being with us even today”, emphasized Archbishop Hieronymos.

Our institutional cooperation remains close

The Prime Minister and the Archbishop went to the “Zoodochos Pigi” kindergarten, where English language and drama classes are held. The Prime Minister saw the premises of the station up close and talked to the 15 young students.

Immediately following, they visited the “Agios Porphyrios” Gerontology Center, where they were guided around its premises and talked with the 60 elderly people housed in the structure, exchanging wishes for Easter. The center has been built with funding from the NSRF on an area of ​​27 acres, with a total building area of ​​5,000 sq.m.

“I want to emphasize that our cooperation institutionally was, is and will remain close” pointed out Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. At the same time, he emphasized that “entering Holy Week, the Archbishop’s words regarding love and respect are more relevant than ever”.

Visit of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to Drosia, Friday, April 26, 2024.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis also sent a resounding message – response to Kyriakos Velopoulos following Archbishop Hieronymos.

The prime minister accused the president of the Hellenic Solution of dividing the Greeks with his statements, while at the same time he commented on the fierce attack of Constantinos Floros once morest Vassilis Grammenos in the Parliament.

Speaking to citizens in Drosia Chalkida at noon on Friday (26.04.24), Kyriakos Mitsotakis fired shots at Kyriakos Velopoulos, who a little earlier and in response to Archbishop Hieronymos, claimed that his statements “are being used as tools by the ND and the prime minister”.

“I visited together with Archbishop Hieronymos some very important structures of the Archdiocese. Let’s also send a message of love, unity and solidarity and build a rampart once morest those who, in the most obscene way, plunder the Christian faith. It’s as if some people are more Christian than others,” said the prime minister.

And he continued: “These are unacceptable things that divide Greeks, especially at a time when we need to be united. We may be political rivals, but we are not enemies. We may disagree, but we will neither swear nor beat our opponents to the pulpit.”

The exhortation of Kyriakos Velopoulos to the MPs, who voted for the law for equality in the marriage of same-sex couples, is still causing a “group of fire” from MPs of the government and the opposition, not to go to Churches during Holy Week. After the Archbishop’s response to Mr. Velopoulos’s warnings, the president of the Hellenic Solution spoke of falsification of what he said, commenting, however, in a sharp way on Mr. Hieronymos’ position.

He showed the real hypocrisy and arrogance that he hides inside, commented Adonis Georgiadis, speaking to ACTION24: “Mr. Kyriakos Velopoulos considers himself both Archbishop and Metropolitan and arranges who can enter an Orthodox church. He is a man who sells Christianity for votes, but he has nothing to do with Christianity.”

A few hours earlier, the parliamentary representative of the Hellenic Solution Konstantinos Chitas had launched an attack once morest the Archbishop: “We saw a statement that referred us to Marinakis. “We will not do what Velopoulos tells us”. It was the Archbishop in the role of ND press representative who adopts what the ND trolls report.”

The statements of Kyriakos Velopoulos caused a new round of reactions from representatives of all parties.

The ND parliamentary representative in the parliament, Thanos Pleuris, said: “It is important that the Archbishop closed the issue, no MP will tell us to be careful (like Mr. Papadopoulos of Niki) and no party president will indicate to us how and where and when will we be religious”.

“I will go to the church. The Archbishop set the framework”, emphasized ND MP Vassilis Spanakis.

“No letter seller will tell me whether I will go to the Church,” said Elena Akrita, MP of SYRIZA.

The MP of PASOK, Michalis Katrinis, said: “I will go to the Church”.

The New Left points out: “Today, Mr. Mitsotakis showed that he is looking for support from the official church, so that he can act as a bulwark in incidents of verbal and physical violence in the temples. He sees his years-long caresses of the Far Right backfire on him during Holy Week.”

The head of Freedom of Navigation, Zoe Konstantopoulou, speaking to Parapolitika, said: “Everyone’s faith is inviolable and sacred… no one threatens me not to go to Church.”

“The declaration of Hieronymos is being used as a pre-election tool by the ND and Kyriakos Mitsotakis” replies Kyriakos Velopoulos following the resounding message of the Archbishop.

“For the Greek Solution, the Church is the whole of the people, the Clergy and the Hierarchy. The Archbishop’s statement therefore finds us in complete agreement: No politician can give instructions to either the clergy or the hierarchy”, emphasizes Kyriakos Velopoulos in a statement – response to Hieronymos.

And he adds: “Just as the hierarchy should not lead the faithful to specific political spaces. Unfortunately, however, the Archbishop’s statement is being used as a pre-election tool by the ND and K. Mitsotakis himself.”





#Mitsotakis #attack #Velopoulos #people #exploit #Christian #faith #obscene



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